Subject: journey to 10 million views...

started at zero like everyone else…

Hey Friend!

How willing are you to stick with something for long enough until it becomes successful?

Take our YouTube channel for example...

We started at zero, just like everyone else… 0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣

Here's how it all went down:

  • 2015 “Hey, let’s start a Youtube channel…”

  • 2016 “Hey, let’s take YouTube seriously” We realize we have more leverage being on video…

This is when we implemented a consistent publishing schedule.

  • 2018 Our first $1000/month from Google Ad Revenue

  • 2019 Other entrepreneurs start asking us to teach them how to create and build Youtube channels for themselves.

Our Youtube coaching business begins…

  • 2020 The Pandemic 😷 happens and explodes the channel and our Essetino Media business!

With everyone now being online, our Google Ad Revenue soars to $5000 - $6000/month without doing anything different…

We were literally earning from videos that were 2-3 years old!

We have business owners and solo entrepreneurs begging us to teach them how to get their businesses online and how to market their brand on Youtube.

  • 2021 We are sooo busy with clients for website design, course creation, Youtube channel coaching, video editing, etc…

  • 2022 Our Youtube channel runs on autopilot ✈️

We feed our channel with 3 tutorial videos a week…

And it feeds us with Google Ad Revenue, affiliate sales, course sales, Youtube coaching clients, design work clients, and course creation clients…

If you play the “long game” and do not give up, you WILL win 🏆

So whatever project you're working on...

Keep Going.

We’re rooting for you 🥳

And if you're at all curious about what we do exactly on our channel to turn it into a marketing & sales engine for our business, check out our step by step program: The Profitable Channel.

YouTube Strategy Coach & Brand Asset Designer

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