Subject: it's your time to be seen

I have a question for you...are you truly seeing concrete evidence of success from your social media marketing?

Happy Monday, Friend. I have a question for you...

Are you truly seeing concrete evidence of success from your social media marketing efforts?

If yes, are you satisfied with the number of email subscribers and sales generated each week?

(ok, I guess that was two questions 😜)

You know, there was a time when our brand felt invisible, even though we were posting everywhere on different social platforms and doing 'all the things you're supposed to do'.

But we still weren't seeing our email list grow at the rate we expected ... and sales would be sparse.

And yet, we still kept doing the same thing (because you're supposed to be patient, right?)

Weeks turned into months... even years (yes, YEARS) went by and nothing changed.

Looking back now, I realize we were going through the motions of marketing without truly understanding what the heck it even means.

This is why I'm reaching out to you today—to save you from the years it took us to learn this crucial lesson:

marketing is NOT the same as messaging.

Focusing solely on marketing without a compelling message to support it can lead to disconnection and disengagement from your audience.

Conversely, having a powerful message without an effective marketing system to amplify it can go unnoticed.

So do you have a marketing problem or a messaging problem?

If you aspire to build a successful brand—meaning being seen as an authority in your field, having others want to interview you on their podcasts/platform and at the same time, increasing revenue for your business —then finding a balance between consistent marketing and impactful messaging is CRITICAL.

How do you strike this balance without drowning in a sea of YouTube tutorials and overwhelming to-do lists?

That's precisely what we'll be delving into in this week's MasterClass.

This Thursday, May 9th, I'm co-hosting a LIVE MasterClass (on zoom) with visibility strategist Beth Nydick (featured on Forbes, Oprah and Entrepreneur).

In this 3hr MasterClass, you'll learn how to craft compelling messaging AND implement a marketing system using YouTube - without all the complexity you might expect.

I invite you to check out the details and reserve your spot here.

We're not going to hold back in this session and spots are limited.

(Oh and don't worry if you can't make the time - we'll be sending out the replay to all those who register!).

It's your time to be seen.

Don't wait years for your marketing to work — join us in the masterclass and get what you need to accelerate your path to building a recognizable brand.

Auret Esselen

Founder, Essetino Media

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