Subject: do THIS to increase website conversions...

Think of your homepage as your business's virtual welcome mat. Its job? To catch the eye of potential customers, make an unforgettable first impr....

Friend, Think of your homepage as your business's virtual welcome mat.

Its job? To catch the eye of potential customers, make an unforgettable first impression, and invite them in for more.

This isn't just about looks, it's about strategy.

In today’s video, I break down the key elements of designing a captivating homepage using a recent project I completed - a website I designed & developed for a local clinical counsellor and therapist.

From the hero section to navigation, value proposition, and trust-building elements, combine to create a compelling, user-friendly, and engaging website.

Ready to transform your homepage?

Watch the video below and let's get started!👇🏻

...and P.S. if you could use help designing or revamping your website, reply to this email and let's set up a time to chat.

See you soon,

Auret Esselen

Founders, Essetino Media

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