Subject: What is an expert anyway? (story of our first course 🙈)

I’ll never forget the first time we launched an online course back in 2013...(you ready for some embarrassing pics?😅)

Friend, do you consider yourself to be an expert?

Whenever people used to call me an expert in anything it would make me feel weird.

I’d immediately think -- uhhh, well I do have SOME knowledge on that topic but I, by no means, claim to be the best or know everything about it!

Then I realized that I was defining an 'expert' as someone who knows EVERYTHING about a topic. 🤔

Of course, there are people out there who know A LOT about a given topic...

...but it's impossible for anyone to know everything.

I believe we’re all experts in something and we downplay or hide from it.

I’ll never forget the first time we launched our very first online course back in 2013.

It was called “25 steps to ROCK your YouTube views” (see a younger Jewel and Auret below 😁)

The course was specifically designed for artists and performers because, at the time, I was launching my music career.


Many of the artists I toured with saw me releasing videos on YouTube and wanted to know how I was building an audience on that platform...


I didn't see myself as an expert at all in YouTube but I figured, if at least 5 of these artists are asking me how I did it, then maybe this will help other artists too!


So we recorded voiceovers on top of slides and edited the entire thing on Camtasia.


It was pretty overwhelming and I can confidently say we had no idea what we were doing 😅.

We didn't even know if anyone would even buy it!

And you know what?


We had over 800 students enroll into that course with two 5-star ratings! (yay 🎉)

That was literally the only proof we needed to continue creating more courses.


Even Lisa Johnson (author and founder of the One To Many® program, and a friend of mine) says:

"An expert is the person that knows the most about a particular subject in an average room. Not the world or even your town. Not the internet either. An average room."


So now I'm posing this question to YOU...

What do you know a bit more about than most people?


That thing you just thought about – that knowledge in your head – THAT can make you money and help a lot of people at the same time. 


If you want to find out exactly how to do this, then I recommend you go register your spot for Lisa's free 4-day challenge that starts this Monday (if you haven't already).

She’s known for helping thousands of people make money online and has built a multi-7 figure business doing just that.


=> Click here to check it out.

I'll be there too 🙂

See you soon.

Auret Esselen

CoFounder, Essetino Media

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