Subject: Want to create social media content together?

I had an idea to host a content creation party and would love to get your feedback…

If we hosted a live and hands-on virtual workshop that guides you through creating 30 days of social media content in 2-3 hours, would you attend?

👉🏻 Click here to cast your vote on our poll.

This would be less theory and more of an interactive, sleeves-rolled-up, get-it-done kinda workshop.

You’ll come out of this with actual pieces of content that will nurture your audience, market your brand and result in leads & sales.

This event is for you if:

  • You want to market your brand/business/message and you know you need to post more

  • You’ve been putting off creating content because it’s too overwhelming or takes too long 

  • You find yourself overthinking what to post, spending way too much time on this task (and it’s diverting your focus from other important tasks!)

  • You’re looking for some accountability and/or would be interested in creating content together with other like-minded entrepreneurs

⭐ Click here to cast your vote now:

Thank you in advance for voicing your opinion and being a part of our community - we appreciate you!

Auret Esselen & Jewel Tolentino

Founders, Essetino Media

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