Subject: Video Ads Made Easy (step by step 6min guide)

Friend, first - I want to wish you a very Happy New Year! 🤗

2024 is yet another opportunity to double down on improving your marketing... share your message / passion / business with more people and, in upcoming emails and offers, we intend to help you do just that.

Speaking of which...

Have you been curious about how paid advertising works on YouTube? 

If you've been thinking about promoting your YouTube channel or videos through ads, but feel a bit lost on where to start, good news!

YouTube has simplified the process with the introduction of the new YouTube Promotions tab 🥳

Even so, some questions remain…

How does it work? What videos should I advertise to get the best bang for my buck? How much money do I need to spend on advertising?

Join me as I guide you through the entire process, breaking down each step on how we effectively run video ads for our own channel and our strategy behind which videos we choose to promote 📈

Hit the play button below to watch the video! 👇🏻

...or click here to access the video, if the image above doesn't show.

Here's to reaching the next level of growth & success in the upcoming year. 🥂

Have a wonderful week!

Jewel Tolentino & Auret Esselen

Founders, Essetino Media

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