Subject: [VIDEO] one guest appearance. 13,000 in sales.

How you can leverage guest appearances for more sales. Turn viewers into buyers with this tip...

Today, I want to share a POWERFUL example of profitable content - one that you can implement right away in your own business to turn more viewers into buyers.

In this video, Jewel shares the story of how we were asked to be a guest on a live stream / podcast for a group of real estate investors…

… and from this 1 talk, we generated over $13,000 (selling our YouTube coaching and course design packages).

The kicker is there were less than 100 views on this video.

How did we do this?

It’s not just about being a guest on other people’s podcasts/livestreams…

It's not even about choosing shows in your niche to reach out to...

The type of podcast/livestream greatly matters (among other things) in your ability to turn those viewers into buyers of your products and services.

Watch the video below to find out what made this one guest appearance successful 👇🏻

(you can also click here to watch the video if the image doesn't show for you)

Have a wonderful week!

Auret Esselen & Jewel Tolentino

Founders, Essetino Media

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