Subject: [VIDEO] Turn Testimonials into Social Media Content

Testimonial videos are one of the most significant pieces of profitable content you can share on your socials.

Think about it for a second: when you're looking for a new product or service, what carries more weight – a company's own claims about its greatness, or the sincere words of a satisfied customer?

The problem is, people don't share enough testimonials because they get the least amount of engagement...

... BUT they bring in the most amount of clients. 

If you aren’t gathering and sharing testimonials as a regular part of your content strategy, you’re losing an opportunity to turn a follower into a customer. 

The first step is to just ask your clients and customers:

Would you mind filming a short testimonial video on your experience working with me/us?

If they don’t feel comfortable filming a video, then a written testimonial would also be beneficial.

(ideally, you want to ask for a testimonial video first because videos are more powerful trust builders AND you can pull WRITTEN sentences out of the video too)

Next step is to take those testimonials and turn them into ready-to-post content.

You can either create a testimonial video or an image post.

I’ve included two videos below on how to create your own compelling testimonial video or image post to share on your socials or website.

If you prefer to outsource this, hit us up - we can turn your testimonials into ready-to-post content for you - just hit reply to this email and let us know if you'd like a video or an image.

VIDEO 1: How to make your own testimonial video 👇🏻

P.S. I received an overwhelming amount of responses from our post last week (see below) re: whether you’d like us to host a live & hands-on virtual content creation workshop, so just wanted to say THANK YOU for all your feedback! The vote was unanimous and it’s in the works 😉

Create those testimonials! And Happy Halloween 🎃

Auret Esselen & Jewel Tolentino

Founders, Essetino Media

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