Subject: Repurpose Zoom Recordings Into Social Content

Hi Friend, I have a content repurposing tip for you today!

If you've been hosting virtual sessions, workshops or conducting interviews on Zoom, guess what?

You're sitting on a goldmine of content that can be repurposed on other platforms!

Or maybe you’ve already been posting these interviews on YouTube, but they lack that visual punch to hook your audience and keep them engaged 👊 🎆

In today’s video, I give you a step-by-step tutorial using Camtasia to transform your Zoom recordings into polished, professional-looking content for social media and YouTube.

Ready to discover the untapped potential of your Zooms and get more mileage out of your existing recordings?

Click here or below to watch the video 👇🏻

P.S. This Thursday at 6pm PT, we are back to our regular bi-weekly livestreams on our YouTube channel. If you have some time, come say hi 🙂

Enjoy the rest of your week!

Jewel Tolentino

Founders, Essetino Media

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