Subject: [NEW VIDEO] Get More Coaching Clients From Your Course

Sneak peek on how to integrate your coaching offer into your course...

You’re a coach or consultant.

You have an online course that people can take & learn from you on their own time.

You want to get more coaching clients but you’re not sure how to promote this to your current list without being too salesy?

TRY THIS 💡👉 Offer your coaching or consulting services directly under your online course lessons.

We do this within our Profitable Channel course and found this works well because:

  1. Your students already know, like and trust you - they’ve bought from you before to get into your course

  2. Sometimes students need extra or personalized help to get through any roadblocks, which makes your coaching the perfect fit / upsell

  3. You will not only elevate student success but it will also positively impact your bottom line.

In today’s video, you’ll get a sneak peek into how we’ve implemented this strategy so you can see what this looks like in action.

Ready to dive in? Watch the video below 👇🏻

If you need some extra guidance or want me to implement this for you, hit reply on this email and let’s set up a time to chat.

Have a wonderful week!

Auret Esselen & Jewel Tolentino

Founders, Essetino Media

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