Subject: Lessons on launching profitable courses

Saturation is a myth and yes, there is a RIGHT way to launch a course...

Hi Friend,

Last week, I interviewed Lisa Johnson live on our YouTube channel and wanted to share some of her insights with you on launching profitable courses...

(if you didn’t get a chance to see the interview last week, you can watch the replay here - it's jam-packed with gold!)

Lisa’s expertise has guided thousands of people to achieve million-dollar course launches, spanning topics as diverse as theatre, infant sleep, ferret care, all the way to the more recognizable business and health domains.

Her journey and the success stories of her students are a testament to the fact that we all have something valuable to offer.

I've personally come across many gurus who teach how to launch a successful course, but one thing I admire about this woman is she adopts a refreshingly simple, straightforward approach, grounded entirely in integrity.

She focuses on one course launch a year, dedicating the rest of her time to nurturing her email list and enjoying life with her family, travel, and occasional speaking engagements.

During our conversation, Lisa shared many valuable insights, but two points stood out:

  1. "There’s no such thing as saturation." In the realm of passive income streams like courses and memberships, saturation is a myth. Consider this: when we see a sushi restaurant, we don't lament the presence of too many sushi options. Yet, in the digital landscape, we often mistakenly perceive the existence of similar products on a topic as saturation. If a topic lacks courses, it's a red flag, not a deterrent.

  2. "If you do a lazy launch, you’ll get lazy results." For Lisa, the promotion of a course doesn’t start after it’s live. She uses a 12-week launch strategy leading up to the release of the course as her blueprint for success. With clear actions mapped out over 12 weeks, she ensures that the maximum amount of people across her socials and email list are actually seeing her offer.

Perhaps you've hesitated to launch a course due to previous setbacks or the perceived saturation of your chosen topic.

This is precisely why I’m introducing Lisa to you and the rest of our community.

Next week, she’s hosting her famous free 4-day challenge to help you integrate a recurring revenue stream (course, group program, membership or online workshop) into your business.

(Side note: This woman is known for giving a LOT away in her challenges. She’s not one of those people that will tell you the “what” and the “why” but not the “how” – you’ll get the how! And there are some pretty epic prizes to win just for taking part too.)

Every year when she runs this challenge, many people take what they’ve learned and make a lot of money just from being at the challenge - so it’s definitely worth you being there.

This challenge starts next week and over 9,000 people have already signed up!

To register and claim your free spot, just click here.

I’ll be there too 🙂

Have a wonderful week!

Auret Esselen

CoFounder, Essetino Media

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