Subject: I used to overthink what to post on social media...

May I open up to you for a moment? I just got back from a trip to see the Northern Lights and had some time to reflect...

Friend, may I open up to you for a moment?

I just got back from my trip to Yellowknife, Northwest territories to see the Northern Lights and had some time to reflect...

I asked myself: What's on the horizon for 2024?

  • A new adventure? Absolutely! 🌟

  • More creative projects? Heck yes.

  • But, most importantly, a commitment to sharing my voice more on social media.

You know, I used to overthink what to post on social media...

This led to intermittent periods of radio silence on my socials because it just felt overwhelming or time-consuming to create content... 🤐

And on top of that, feeling the pressure (totally self-inflicted of course) of needing to throw a post up because I haven't posted in a while...

Stress. Rinse and repeat. ♻

It was exhausting.

...until I re-framed what posting on social media actually means to me.

❌ It's not about 'needing to post'.

✅ It's about connecting with others...

✅ It's about developing my voice...

✅ It's about showcasing who I am (and maybe someone will come to understand more of who they are in the process).

The 'why' that you're telling yourself is SO important. 🎯

Once you figure that out, THEN the 'how' - having a simple, repeatable process for content creation and posting - becomes easier.

🚨 For the first time, I'm hosting a live, hands-on Content Creation workshop for creators & entrepreneurs.

And I would like to extend an invitation to you 🙂

In the workshop, we'll define your why and also guide you through the how.

This is an interactive workshop over zoom, taking place next week on December 14 and is limited to 25 people only (so we can truly personalize guidance for those who attend).

You'll come out of this workshop with more clarity around content creation, you'll learn about crafting strategic content to get better results, and you can get all your social media content for January completed in 1 sitting.

If that sounds helpful, click here to see more & reserve your spot.

Have a wonderful weekend 💜

Auret Esselen & Jewel Tolentino

Founders, Essetino Media

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