Subject: How to re-calibrate to growth (7 things)

How does one go from barely cruising by to having a THRIVING online business?
Unfortunately, life isn't always going to exactly the way we want it to -  things can change in a blink of an eye (that certainly seems to be the anthem for 2020, doesn’t it?).
But the way we respond to this question can be the difference between a full blown identity crisis on panic mode or an opportunity for major growth.
Last weekend, Thrive Global featured my article on "7 Things Creative Entrepreneurs Can Do to Thrive Now" and I wanted to share this with you, Friend.
In the article, I share in detail 7 lessons that Jewel and I have learned from over a decade of running our Essetino Artists business and having to bounce back multiple times...not just from plateaus but from major downfalls, like this one that I wrote about:
" My heart SANK. I’ve worked so hard to build up a 5 star rating and regular customers with my design work. Over 800 raving reviews and $5000 in revenue per month – GONE overnight!
What now? ... "
My hope is that you'll take at least one of the 7 ideas I've shared, implement it and start to see positive results. 
Take a read, and if you found this helpful, please make someone else's day by sharing it using the buttons on the article page.
To your growth & success,


Auret Esselen
Essetino Artists Co-Founder

YouTube Mentor | Digital Media Designer | Performing Artist