Subject: Free Newsletter: The Profitable Content Playbook

Hey! Jewel and I just launched this with actionable tips on building an audience, monetizing your knowledge and increasing revenue...

Hey Friend!

Jewel and I just launched a FREE newsletter called "The Profitable Content Playbook" 🎉

In this newsletter, we'll be sharing new actionable tips every week on the topic of effective content marketing: to build an audience without spinning your wheels on social media 🤹🏻‍♀️ to monetize your knowledge or passion with digital products 💎 to make an eyebrow-raising impression online & attract clients through content 🤨

...and more!

You can check out our latest video below.

In this video, we cover the revenue potential behind live streaming.

Click the image below to check out the latest video AND subscribe to the free newsletter. 👇🏻

Here's the link again, in case the image doesn't click:

Enjoy the rest of your week 🙂

Auret Esselen & Jewel Tolentino

Founders, Essetino Media

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