Subject: Friend, are you leveraging YouTube?

these stats will shock you...


Did you know that…

YouTube attracts over 2 billion users every month? 🙀

YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google? 😲

YouTube has over 3 billion monthly searches? 🤯

Imagine the reach and influence you could have by tapping into this massive audience.

And it doesn’t matter if there are already a ton of videos that speak to your topic - you can still greatly benefit from this kind of visibility.

If you want to position yourself as an expert in your industry and impact the lives of more people in a high-leverage way, then you NEED to take advantage of YouTube’s vast audience and a powerful platform..

…and you can do it for free!

In this video, I'll share some compelling data and strategies on how YouTube can help you build your brand, attract a loyal following, and monetize your expertise.

Click below to watch the video 👇🏻

I can teach you our framework for how to master creating educational content on YouTube so you can attract quality clients and grow your business. 

Click here to see what's included in our Profitable Channel program.

Have a great week!

Auret Esselen

CoFounder, Essetino Media

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