Subject: 7 income streams. 1 channel.

most people talk about ad revenue, but there are MANY other ways to monetize your channel...


There’s a lot of talk about making money on YouTube, but where does the money actually come from?

When most people think about monetizing their YouTube channel, they think of ad revenue…

…and while ad revenue might be the most obvious way to make money, it’s not the only way.

There are so many other strategies to diversify your channel’s revenue streams and maximize your profitability 💰

In this video, I’ll share how our YouTube channel generates income through various methods beyond ads. From live streams to affiliate marketing, course sales and services, there are multiple income streams to explore.

These aren’t all the ways to make money from your channel, but they are some of our personal favorites.

Click below to watch the video 👇🏻

P.S. If after watching the video, you're serious about starting and growing a profitable YouTube channel, then I invite you to use our exact system in our Profitable Channel program.

Enjoy the rest of your week!

Jewel Tolentino

CoFounder, Essetino Media

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