Subject: 5 Ways We've Made Money On Amazon: Ranked from WORST to BEST

We've put five different money-making strategies to the test, and while each one generated income, they all come with their own set of pros and cons..

Whether you’re looking for a standalone side hustle, or whether you’re looking to add another revenue stream to your business, partnering with Amazon can be highly lucrative.

We've put five different money-making strategies to the test, and while each one generated income, they all come with their own set of pros and cons.

These strategies range in terms of profitability, time & money investment, flexibility and skill level required…

…but what truly gets us excited about earning on Amazon is that you can bypass the time-consuming and resource-intensive tasks of building a website, establishing trust, creating a customer base, and managing logistics.

Why? Well, because it’s Amazon!

They've already built an enormous customer base and a rock-solid infrastructure.

You’re just riding their wave of success and grabbing yourself a nice slice of their pie. 😉

In this video, Jewel dives into these Amazon income streams and ranks them from mediocre to marvellous, based on our personal experience.

Watch the video below 👇🏻

P.S. Want to jump ahead? Click here to discover our #1 favourite Amazon income stream that has raked in over $5,000 in just 3 months by simply filming short videos using our phone. No editing. No being on camera.

Have a wonderful week!

Auret Esselen & Jewel Tolentino

Founders, Essetino Media

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