Subject: 1 video into 10 viral clips (AI tool)

I can't tell you how many hours this tool has saved me in producing engaging short video content...

Friend, if you release video content on social media as part of your marketing strategy, you’re going to love this AI tool I'm about to share with you...

...especially if you have no desire or time to create short-form video content from scratch.

We use this tool to repurpose our (longer) YouTube videos into many short, engaging clips that are perfect for YouTube Shorts and Instagram Reels... in literal SECONDS.

And these clips are actually good! Sometimes AI tools can be a black hole and end up creating more work...but I can't tell you how many hours this particular tool has saved us.

It's called Opus Clip - Jewel created a tutorial that shows you how it works so you can see it in action for yourself 👇🏻

If you want to take this baby for a spin and get more mileage out of your content, you can click here to try Opus Clip for free.

Hope this helps you out...if I come across any other good AI tools, I'll definitely share them with ya :)

Enjoy the rest of your week!

Auret Esselen

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