Subject: [The Need To Grow] A Free Film That Could Save the Planet – Watch now!

Hey Friend,

I just stumbled upon a documentary that I think you're really going to love, especially since it's available to watch for free this week.

It's called "The Need To GROW," and it's an eye-opener on the environmental crisis we're facing, packed with a message of hope and actionable solutions.


This film has been sweeping up awards left and right, including Best Documentary at the Sonoma International Film Festival and Audience Favorite at the Philadelphia Environmental Film Festival, among others. And the best part?

You can stream it for free right now:

Critics are raving about it, saying things like "No human being should miss this film" and "Perhaps the best film on sustainability I have ever seen." So, you know it's got some serious accolades behind it.

 "The Need To GROW" is narrated and produced by Rosario Dawson, and it's all about offering hope and practical solutions to the daunting environmental challenges we face today.

It's not just doom and gloom; it's a film that shows us what's possible when it comes to saving our planet and ensuring a future where food scarcity is a thing of the past.

This documentary has made a significant impact on the indie film scene, and for a limited time, you can catch it for free online. Trust me, it's a rollercoaster of emotions but in the best way possible. It'll make you laugh, move you to tears, and most importantly, inspire you to take action.

Let me know what you think once you've watched it! And just imagine – a world where we could grow 100% organic food at an unprecedented pace, thanks to groundbreaking technology. This film shows how that's not just a dream but a very real possibility.

Catch "The Need To GROW" while available for free streaming. I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it!


Until next, take care and all the very best





P.S. The idea of having enough healthy food to feed everyone on the planet isn't just wishful thinking. After watching this documentary, you'll see the incredible innovations that could make this a reality. Don't miss out on this enlightening watch!


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I’m Janice Dugas, online marketing strategist and entrepreneur helping local businesses and solopreneurs refine their message, reach a larger audience and grow their revenue by maintaining consistency and dedication to enhance online visibility.  Claim your copy of Boost Your Digital Presence: 11 Steps To Increase Your Online Visibility . These steps will help you build a trustworthy reputation!

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