Subject: [Stepping Up] My Journey to a More Effective Business Approach

Embracing a New Era: Transition to Online Business Mastery

Hi Friend,

Several years ago, after the passing of my parents, a time during which I was their caregiver and simultaneously studied online marketing, I chose to take a new direction and become a social media consultant.

This role required me to conduct training sessions on-site and offer services that were directly delivered to clients. Transitioning from my past positions in the Accounting and Finance Department of the corporate sector, I discovered fresh avenues for my creativity to blossom in my entrepreneurial activities.

At first, I took on every opportunity that presented itself, but over time, I've learned to be more discerning in selecting clients and in how I allocate my time for these services.

I've come to understand that a time-for-money exchange is not the most effective strategy, given the constraint of only having 24 hours in a day, which limits how many contracts I can manage.

Ultimately, while it's fulfilling to operate independently, there's a moment when it becomes clear that this method isn't perpetually viable.

By integrating an online business into my framework, aimed at supporting and connecting with a wider audience, I'm transitioning to a more expansive, one-to-many model.

For those considering a similar venture in online entrepreneurship, I am pleased to offer and recommend some resources, both free and paid, to help navigate the intricacies of the digital landscape.

To Your Success!


Please note: some of the links in this email are affiliate links. This means if you make a purchase through these links, I may receive a commission, but this comes at no extra cost to you.


[Enhancing Online Presence] 

Inside my most recent guide Boost Your Digital Presence: 11 Steps To Increase Your Online Visibility 📰 find steps that will help you build a strong, trustworthy online image, showing potential clients and customers that you are a knowledgeable and reliable figure in your field.

This way ➡️


[Web Design Services]

I highly endorse my colleague Janet Gervers from JAGMEDIA. With over 25 years of experience with Wordpress, she excels in turning your dream website into a reality!

This way ➡️


[Public Domain Resources]

"Public Domain Empire 6" The most comprehensive guide; get 208 Public Domain Resource Websites +10 brand new monetization methods from Alessandro Zamboni.

You can grab it right now, risk-free, and start profiting as soon as today.

This way ➡️


Until next, take care and all the very best!

P.S. Feel free to ask questions or share your comments by hitting reply; I'm always open to hearing them. 🙂

Janice Dugas, Online Strategist

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