Subject: [Speaking Up] Not voicing your thoughts? You won’t be heard!

Advocate your Interest

Hi Friend,

Today, I'm excited to share something that resonates deeply with many of us in the online space – the courage to speak up and stand out.

In my most recent blog article I explore this topic. You can read it here: Strategies for Speaking Up Confidently.

As online entrepreneurs and bloggers, we navigate a space where our voices define our brands, so every blog post I hesitate to publish, every idea I second-guess is a moment where my unique perspective is withheld from someone, or a world, that needs to hear it.

The strongest brands are more than just audible; they command focused attention. Their influence is significant as they stem from a base of authenticity and confidence.

So, write that post, share that idea, launch that podcast. Your audience is waiting

Reply to this email or drop a comment on the blog post to share your experiences, fears, and triumphs.

Let's build a community that speaks and listens with confidence.

To Your Online Success!


P.S. Additionally, you'll find below a list of personal recommendations for products and services of trusted colleagues. Choose what aligns with your objectives and aspirations.


[Your Home on The Internet] Here's a turning point for you if:

- ever tried to create a website on your own and found it confusing

- hired a web designer and didn't get a site you wanted and paid too much for it

- have a site you've outgrown: Now you want an easy way to update it yourself

Christina Hills is giving a live Zoom Webinar on Tuesday, January 30th, at 3:00pm Eastern time / 12:00pm Pacific, where she will show you her Proven Method for Easily Creating Beautiful Websites! Get your answers once and for all:



[Peak Productivity and Creativity] Enhance your entrepreneurial edge with 'Crack Your Sugar Habit': Just as a balanced, low-sugar diet leads to sustained energy and mental clarity, Cheryl's Home Study course equips entrepreneurs with the tools to maintain peak productivity and creativity in the demanding world of online business.

The analogy is clear: consuming excessive sugar can cause energy spikes and crashes, mirroring how short-term, quick-fix business strategies can lead to inconsistent online performance.

By reducing sugar intake, you gain steadier energy and clearer focus, essential for developing long-term, impactful content and strategies.

It's an investment in your overall business health, ensuring you stay sharp, resilient, and ahead in your online endeavors.



[Brand & Market This DFY Course

Develop an instant marketing materials kit for effectiveness and brand uniformity using Sharyn Sheldon's pre-made, adaptable course - "Create Your Essential Marketing Collateral". This course provides you with comprehensive content to learn, instruct, and market your own course, branded with your name! Take advantage of her EARLY BIRD Offer: Enjoy a 62% Discount plus an EXTRA BONUS!



[Amplify Your Internet Presence] Discover 11 key steps to fortify your online visibility and reputation, demonstrating to prospective clients and customers your expertise and dependability in your industry: Boost Your Digital Presence: 11 Steps To Increase Your Online Visibility from yours truly. 🙂




Discover additional personal endorsements from trusted individuals and products that can aid in your business growth on my Twitter/X page at:



Note: some of the above links are my affiliate links; However, this will not incur any additional expenses for you.


I appreciate your continued support as a subscriber! Should you have any particular topics or suggestions you'd like to see, feel free to respond directly to this email.

Janice Dugas

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