Subject: [Grateful Greetings] Special Wishes for You and Your Loved Ones

A Message of Thanks and Goodwill...

Dear Friend,

As we welcome the festive season, I send you holiday greetings filled with heartfelt gratitude and extend my warmest wishes to you and your family.

Our interwoven journey through struggles and victories have shown incredible resilience inside our entrepreneurial community and we find ourselves reflecting on the profound connections we've shared throughout the year.

May we continue to move forward, united in spirit and purpose. Sending you blessings of peace, joy and love.

Happy Holidays!


P.S: As Mother Teresa used to say:

"It's Christmas every time you smile at your brother and offer him your hand.

Every time you keep quiet to listen to someone;

Every time you turn your back on prejudices that relegate the oppressed to the fringes of their isolation;

Every time you hope with prisoners, with those burdened by the weight of physical, moral, or spiritual poverty;

Every time you humbly recognize your limits and your weaknesses;

It's Christmas every time you allow God to love others through you."

P.P.S: I'm happy to highlight the following budget-friendly products that can significantly contribute to your business's success in the upcoming year.


[1. Work-Life Balance]

With a million tasks to juggle, it's easy for our businesses to take over our life. There's always something that either needs to be done or we feel we 'should' be doing.

The result? Other parts of our life get squeezed out - like family, friends, and our health.

Get Sharyn Sheldon's Work-Life Balance PLR Planner— a step-by-step guide for achieving a healthy balance between your business and personal lives.

Until Dec 27th midnight -> 27$ instead of 67$



[2. Perfect Images - Royalty Free]

Deposit Photos is my preferred source for stock images at reasonable prices.

Take advantage of Winter Holiday Offer: 100 images for 80$ instead of $299



[3. Focus on Growing Your Business with PLR]

If you're a life coach, run a printables enterprise, or aim to expand your email subscribers by offering digital freebies, EKitHub Private Label Rights (PLR) kits will be very useful.

Ekits contain a variety of resources like product templates, coloring pages, PLR digital planners, and social media materials to simplify product development and audience growth.



Please note: certain links in this email are affiliate links. This implies that if you buy something through these links, I might earn a commission. However, this will not incur any additional expenses for you.

Until next, take care and all the very best!

Feel free to ask questions or share your comments by hitting reply; I'm always open to hearing them. 🙂

Janice Dugas, Online Strategist

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