Subject: [From Philately to Productivity] Resources to Improve Your Business

Celebrating Coronation Day and Philatelic History

Hi Friend,

I trust you are well and taking pleasure in the magic of the day.


Today’s Coronation of King Charles III brought back memories of numerous enjoyable hours spent organizing thematic postage stamps issued by worldwide countries commemorating people, nature, animal kingdom, events, history and royal occasions.


I also realized that today is a philatelic celebration day as the introduction of prepaid stamps became valid for postage in Great Britain (United Kingdom) on May 6,1840 !


Did you know Great Britain is the only country in the world that does not feature its name on its postage stamp?


I am happy to share with you some resources that have my own ‘stamp of approval' to help you improve your online visibility, branding and productivity!


[Awesome Training!]  ‘Closing Charismatically ; Your Roadmap To Selling On Camera‘ with Howard Whiteson aka ‘The Charisma Coach’.


This FREE 3-part video series is designed to help you open doors, connect with others and charismatically close deals by building relationships not pitches. Howard makes it engaging and fun!

Check it out :


I’ve met with Howard online and love his British accent. I was impressed by the way he approaches sales and video marketing: sales is service.


He now inspire Senior Leaders at Apple, educational facilitators at New Zenler, coaches and entrepreneurs from America, Europe, UK, Australia and China to use their charisma to persuade and engage teams and audiences to a whole new level, online and offline.


[Moving the Needle] Sometimes just a small shift in our thinking and actions is all that is necessary. Are you working on creating habits in this way?


Connie Ragen Green’s FREE Action Habits challenge will serve to move you forward with focus and clarity that is intended to improve and enhance your personal and professional life.

Use this link : to get effective insights into how you can achieve all of your goals and dreams during 2023.



[Embracing Clarity] I needed a system to help me keep focus, happy, centered, productive and growing. That is why I joined Brendon Burchard’s Growth Day community a couple of years ago and highly recommend this exclusive daily coaching audio!

Brendon helps us make the tough decisions, get disciplined, and achieve more progress faster than ever before. Sign up now for a FREE, no-risk trial of GrowthDay and get the $300 High Performance Habits Builder advanced online course as a special bonus!


[Business Model] Affiliate marketing is a powerful tool for anyone wanting to be an online entrepreneur. You may want to earn a primary online income or maybe simply supplement your income as you build your business. This article will help you get started:


My intention is to share great resources, trainings, the very best of my knowledge, experience, so that you may learn and implement strategies to make your business shine online.


I'm at contact at janice dugas dot com and I always love hearing your questions and comments which are welcome! 

With love and gratitude,


Janice Dugas, Online Visibility Strategist

PS: Follow me on Twitter at for quick access to what I'm working on and recommendations.



« Technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have faith in people, that they’re basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they’ll do wonderful things with them. » ~ Steve Jobs



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