Subject: Digital Technology To Protect Our Planet 🌍

Websites are incredible tools for raising awareness...

Happy Earth Day! 🌿  

Hi Friend,


Today, as we celebrate our planet and reflect on how to protect it, I see the power of sharing knowledge and fostering awareness through digital platforms.


That is why I'm excited to invite you to a free webinar, hosted by Christina Hills. on creating a website with WordPress,

I personally attended Christina’s classes back in 2008, and it was a game-changer. Since then, I can manage my WordPress sites.

Want to have the same freedom and skills?


You now have the opportunity to take control and manage your own online presence. 

If you are tired of waiting on a webmaster to update your website... 

Join the free Website Creation Workshop designed to empower you with the essential skills to create and manage your own website using self-hosted WordPress.


You will see firsthand what the Website Creation Workshop can offer you to transform your digital skills and elevate your projects. It's really a non-techie's roadmap to website success.


If not now, when? Take the first step towards digital independence.

You can choose from any of three days this Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, April 24th, 25th and 26th. Pick the day that works best for you. 

🌐 Register Here for the Free Workshop:


To Increasing Your Online Visibility!


PS: Please see below for some resources that I truly believe will enhance your online presence, sharpen your focus, and help expand your business online.

[Mind full or Mindful?]  Stressed? Mindfulness to the rescue! 

Discover the transformative power of mindfulness with my friend Nancy Dadami. I am happy to share Nancy's article on learning how this ancient practice can enhance mental, physical, and emotional health, and find practical tips to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life for stress management and inner peace.




[Digital Invitations] Yep, virtual Invite are quickly gaining on paper invitations! Karon shows you how to create electronic invitations in less than 1 hour! Great skill to learn on how to serve an audience that spends $1K+ a year on parties..✨.




[Completely Free- >Add Value to Achieve Big Goals] For a limited time, you can download this package completely FREE...and use it to educate your audience on goal setting. They can then appreciate more of your planners, printables and other productsUse the content to grow your list, build your traffic, and more. The choice is yours!




Questions, comments or feedback? Simply hit 'Reply' ! It is always a pleasure to connect with you..

Janice Dugas

Web Content Optimisation Strategist

"The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you." — B.B. King.

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