Subject: [Descript] Ready to unwrap the gift of simple video editing?

🎉 Hands-on class that's as much about fun as it is about learning ...

Hi Friend,

You've probably noticed how AI is sprouting up everywhere these days, right? Well, it's pretty awesome at making our lives easier and more productive, especially when it comes to cool tools like for video editing.

So, Descript? It's this fantastic app that makes podcasting and video creating a breeze. Seriously, it's a game-changer!

My friend and colleague Lou Bortone, who's pretty much a wizard in video stuff, has been a fan of Descript from the get-go. He can't stop raving about all the amazing things it lets you do.

Guess what? Lou's taking his love for Descript up a notch! He's rolling out a live course called “12 Days of Descript”! How cool is that?

In this 12-day adventure with Descript, Lou's going to show us all the neat tricks to save time and maybe some cash on our video and podcast projects.

It's not just any class – it's going to be super interactive and fun, covering everything from podcasting to short videos, how-tos, and those catchy social media videos.

Lou's got this whole plan to walk us through Descript, with easy-peasy tutorials and some live Q&A sessions and demos, all kicking off on December 4th.

Are you keen to dive into Descript and learn from Lou? Just click here to sign up The fun begins on Monday, December 4th, so make sure to grab your spot!

I can't wait to see the awesome stuff we will create with Descript. It's going to be epic!

Catch you later,


P.S. Don't sweat it if you miss a day – all the lessons and live sessions will be recorded for you to catch up anytime. Jump on board now at ! 🚀

P.S.S. Full disclosure, it's my affiliate link. Sharing is caring. 🙂


Janice Dugas, Online Visibility Strategist

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