Subject: Building Your House on Rented Land ?

You wouldn’t build a house on shaky ground, would you?

Hi Friend,

Today, I want to share a personal story that recently unfolded in my life and how it strikingly parallels a key principle in online marketing.

Five years ago, I moved into a house that I thought would be a long-term haven. It's perfect - spacious, cozy, and in a serene neighborhood. However, just last week, my landlord dropped a bombshell: they're selling the house. The news was unexpected and unsettling.

This turn of events reminded me about the importance of owning our online space, much like a home. As an online marketing strategist, I often emphasize to my clients the significance of building their website on a platform they fully own and control, like WordPress.

Here's why this is so important: Imagine your business website is like a house you rent on website building platforms such as Wix or Weebly inclusive of a monthly or annual fee. Or sharing your products and services only on social media platforms, without any websites.

You can decorate it and make it comfortable, but ultimately, you don't own it. The platform can change the rules, or worse, shut down your account at any moment for various reasons. This is akin to what I'm experiencing with my rented home.

Is your 'Home on the Internet' truly yours, or are you at the mercy of digital 'landlords'?

If you have any questions about establishing a robust and fully owned online presence, I invite you to read this article I've written on it and feel free to reach out if you have any questions.


Before signing off, here are some curated products and services that I believe will help you grow your online business. To maintain complete transparency, some of the links provided are affiliate links.


[Live Training] "Really Simple Short Reports". It's Connie Ragen Green's personal training course that helps people become profitable online. You'll have 2 years of access to her training to get your business off the ground. Use Coupon Code: SHORTREPORTSROCK to join for only $49:


[Complimentary Access] The next Advanced Email Marketing Summit will take place on Monday November 27th at 3 PM Eastern. Get your free ticket to learn more about the power of email marketing with:

🎤 Michael Whitehouse: 'Email for Infinite Effortless Follow Up'

🎤 Nancy Juetten: 'Build your list with qualified, invested potential clients by appealing to a charitable cause close to your heart — and don't wait a moment longer!' 


[Email Marketing Software] Since I started my online journey in 2008, I've experimented with various Auto Responders, and Get Response has certainly earned my recommendation. They're celebrating their 25th anniversary 🎈 with a massive Black Friday event, offering a 40% discount on all plans. Additionally, they're providing a Bonus Bundle, which includes complimentary email marketing and list building training worth $250.🥳 If starting with email marketing, don't miss this opportunity!


[Hot Off the Press]  📰 Just published on my blog TIME MANAGEMENT TIPS FOR PEAK PRODUCTIVITY: Elevate Your Efficiency: 6 Steps to Optimize Your Daily Schedule. No matter how, the goal is to “get things done”! Here’s some ideas to revamp your time scheduling routine to up level your time management:

Have a great week-end and until next, take care and all the very best.



P.S. Need Web design services ? My recommendation goes to my colleague Janet Gervers from JAGMEDIA. 25 years+ of making the website of your dreams a reality!


Janice Dugas, Online Visibility Strategist

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