Subject: Update On The Hustle With Us, L.aunch.

Hello Friend,

Yesterdays l.aunch went off like most member to member l.aunches. There
were a few bugs found during the l.aunch on top of user error issues. Nothing
major but nevertheless, there were issues. From what I understand, those have
been addressed. A lot of the problems were actually on the user side, rather
than a script issue. Again, either way, they both have been addressed and things
appear to be going smoothly.   

  With yesterdays l.aunch issues, I received quite a few emails. I was able to reply
to most and if by chance I didn't acknowledge yours, I apologize for that and 
hope you forward that to me again and I will help in any way I can.

Member to member l.aunches are so crazy... some can be fast and furious. Others...
like watching paint dry, lol! But ours appeared to be "Middle of The Road".  It was
fun and a little crazy at times.  

I did find out that this was suppose to be a one link team build. In other words,
everyone promotes the team link which would create massive spill for the team.
However, there were 4 leaders that were suppose to pass out the team link and
explain to their leaders, that it's a team build and to only use the team link. Someone
deviated from the game plan and sent out their own link.  Maybe it was
miscommunication, I don't know but it is water under the bridge now as we have
our own team. At the moment, I brought in 25 members. Out of those 25, 17
have upgraded. Out of those 17, 15 spilled down to the team as it is a 2 x 5. So, things
are looking good. 

Now it's up to us to promote. Especially those that received spill. We need everyone 
to get your link out there to all your contacts, friends, and family and social media. We
have a good start so lets make it happen Friend!

If you haven't already joined and would like to get in and catch some of the spill that our team
will create, just click on the join link below. But first, click on the How to join link
to learn the process of joining and sending members payments.

How To Join Video - Click on the link below.

To Join - Click on the link below.    

Once you're in and upgraded, just keep an eye out for pending payments. Please verify
that you have received a payment before approving a member. Bitcoin payments can
take a while before being confirmed so have patience.

That's all I have for right now. Thank you to all of you that joined. For those sitting on the
fence, what are you waiting for????

Oh, and one more thing, I'm on level 3 and I'm waiting for my 1st, $150.00 payment. Once I
get it, I will adhere to the team strategy and will purchase 5 more level one positions. That will
help the team because it will be all spill.  If everyone one on our team follows that
plan, we'll be very successful. It all starts with promoting your link.

Have a great day! Get out there and promote your link Friend! We can
make it happen, we just have to want it bad enough.
