Subject: New L.aunch Date Has Been Set.

Hi Friend, 

Ok, I think we have a green light for launch!! The script appears
to be working like a charm but is still being tested. With that said,
l.aunch date has been scheduled for June 30th, 6:00pm Est.

Now is the time to bring in your contacts. Remember, we will be
starting a team build for this and all the new team positions will fall 
in the matrix somewhere below our original positions. We will be
building for long term earnings. Don't take this lightly!!! The more
referrals you have in your foundation, the better you'll do when
we kick in the team build.   

This is going to be huge Friend!! The team build will be massive
and will attract 1000's because of the low, one time, price point and the
amazing comp plan.  Haven't seen it yet? Click on the link below to review.
You're going to want in on this one!

I will send out the link exactly at 5:59pm, Est on June 30th so be ready
and get your team ready. You're going to be very happy that you 
took action now before we start the team build.    

Have a great day!