Subject: New L.aunch Alert! - New And Unique!

Hi Friend,

Happy Sunday! I hope this email finds you well. All kinds of interesting stuff is happening!
We're talking new launches and Old launches. Something for everyone!

This one is scheduled to l,aunch in Feb.  The owner is Landzro Kobby.  Landzro recently 
came out with a matrix where only Etheruem was the preferred payment.  It  did ok
but seemed like it could have been better promoted by the owner. I think that only accepting 
Ethereum was a mistake as well. Since I got paid from his last program, I'm going to try his
new one that will launch in Feb. I'm pretty confident that odds are, you'll at least get your money 
back. And... there are really good referral incentives so if you can recruit, you'll do very well.
Remember, it is a company forced matrix.  

If you're interested in this, you must fill out  Google form.  Please, for referrals purposes,
please list dprose55420 (Dan Rose)as your sponsor on the form.  You can also make your deposit
to secure your position at that time as well.

The New


It is a simple but powerful Matrix program. Crypto Genie is a 1 x 3 Company Force Matrix
Plan with a one time membership fee of $15.00. Every member can have only three referrals on their
1st Level but can have as many positions as they want without having to open more than one account.
To be qualified to receive withdrawals, members must have at least 1 matrix position active!

The Formula (1 x 3)

= $15.00 x 3 = $45.00 (Total)
= $30.00 = Payouts @ Every Cycle
= $5.00 = Direct Referral Commission (To You)
= $2.50 = Indirect Referral Commission (To Your Upline - You can also earn from your downlines if they refer any active member)
= $7.50 = Downline Support (For Trading & Downline Support)

There will be no re-entry Of Positions so any member who cycles and willing to earn over again is
expected to purchase position again. The Downline Support Fund ($7.5) will be used for trading to
purchase a new position to support Downlines or accounts below on periodically.


We are able to consistently achieve this goal for ourselves and all of our partners by leveraging on
unique technological opportunities & features;

1. Low Membership Fee ($15.00)
2. Shortest Matrix (1 Level - 1 x3 )
3. Company Forced Matrix Plan (One Team)
4. Direct Referral Commission ($5.00)
5. Indirect Referral Commission ($2.50)
6. Automated Upgrades & Payouts
7. Cryptocurrency Ebook
8. Ads & Text Credits For Advertisement!
9. Cryptocurrency Education
10. Cryptocurrency News
11. Auto Facebook Group & Page Posting For Matrix Advertisement.

Click on the link below to fill out the form. Again, please use dprose55420 in the referral
or sponsor box.

30 Days To Freedom

This one just launched. My sponsor received his link from Angela Holmes.
It's called 30 Days Of Freedom. Its $4.00 One time. You double the 4 bucks everyday
for the next 14 days. That's a lot of money if we can do this Friend!

My sponsor said that it appears to be moving at a good speed. I just joined so I don't
have a way to gauge yet.

Conference calls daily:

7pm EST - Tel: 712-775-7031 - Pin: 797779963#

Do NOT hesitate for a second, join now and get
ready to make an avalanche of FAST CASH...

Go here for details...

The Old With New Additions

Nanobit Club

Nanobit Club had a very smooth launch. Many have joined and looks like 2 of you have already 
cycled out and earned 100 bucks. Good job! I haven't cycled out yet but according to the stats,
I'm about 25 more members that cycle, before I cycle.

Now here is the exciting news. Remember, you heard it here, first, back when I announced 
the program. I told you that the owner would be having contests to keep the cycler moving
and that is exactly what is going to happen. The best part is that not only will this contest add 
hundreds, if not thounsands of positions to the origenial cycler, the winner of the contest will
get early positioning in a new cycler coming on 2/3/19. The new cycler also feeds the old.
This is going to be phenomenal!

Click on the link below to see a video of the plan.

I like Nanobit Club as it is affordable and realistic in the sense that you have a very good
opportunity to earn 100 bucks, over and over again, plus sponsor commissions. Even if you
you don't recruit a single a person, your odds of putting a hundred bucks in your pocket is very
high and real. This is not about some unrealistic, insane amounts of cash that no one ever 
earns. This is real, easy and attainable for all!

Click on the link below.

Infinity Residuals

This is another program that just recently launched. The launch went smoothly.
It's a great script and now, Dustin is going to add a cycler to the mix. And every 
month after that. Get in on the action and join Infinity Residuals. Get started 
for just a buck... you'll be glad you did!
