Subject: It Was A Good L.aunch Friend!

Hi Friend,

Well, we did it!! L.aunch went off without a hitch this time!  It went surprisingly well! I'm
definitely happy about that considering the issues we had at our 1st attempted l.aunch! If
you didn't get in yet just click on the banner above and join. You can join with 7 dollars or
you may get in as a free member and earn your way in.  Right now, the best strategy to
follow for our team is get in and get at least one paid position. Then wait for our team
build to start next week. We will start on 7-6-16.    

We're off to a great start. several people have been cycling with lots more to follow. Some
people had issues with Payza but that appears to be corrected now.  We have a lot of members
that opted into the free matrix, which is ok. That tells me that the free matrix offering is attractive
and should bring in lots of new members. I really think that we're going to do very well with
this one as long as we work it. Now is the time to spread the word before we l.aunch the
team build. Get as many eyes on your referral page as possible. Things will really kick
into high gear once we start our build and you're going to want to put yourself in the best
possible position before we start the team build. 

Once we're ready for the team build, I will send out an email to the team first. You will
be instructed to go to the team build capture page to sign up for the team build. This will
be a first come, first serve basis so keep an eye open for that email on 7-6-16.

Once you sign up, I will send you a link to join with. You MUST upgrade if you request a
spot on the team build. You will have to sign up with a new user id and email if you have
an existing account already. Once you get in and upgraded, you'll send me your user id and I will
add you to the spread sheet so you're in line to receive 2 referrals. If you do not upgrade, your
name will be removed imeadateley from the spread sheet and will be added at the bottom of the list
if you want back in.

You will be expected to promote the team link. Everyone will promote the team link. We go
by the honor system here. It's your business... it's your team! You're expected to help the team
and promote the team link. I can't say this enough! If this is a problem for you, please don't join
the team build. We work together to help each other succeed.  Are you in for the team build
Friend? Good!!! We're going to make this a great team build! Watch for more info later.

Oh, and one more thing. I get a ton of email and I always try to reply back regardless of the context
but there are times that I miss some so if you send me an email and do not get a reply in a day or so
please send me another email and I will address it asap.    
