Subject: Hi Friend! Here Is A Team Build Update!!

Good Evening Friend,

First, I would like to wish all those that observe it, a Happy Independence Day!  

The simple cycler went off without a hitch. The main matrices are moving well
and so are the free matrices. I hope you were able to get in and upgrade so you don't
have to wait to cycle the free matrices to get in the main matrix.  You will see much
better results the sooner you're in the main matrix. Also, you will want to be upgraded
before the team build as all these new entries are coming in below somewhere in our
matrix which will push people and help with cycling.  Please find a way to get in and
upgraded, I don't want you to miss any benefits when the team build kicks in.

Ok, I'm all ready. Team capture page is created. Spread sheet is created. Auto responder
is created. Facebook group created. Banner created.  Advertising material and places to advertise
page has been created.  We're ready to roll  Friend!!! With that said, We're starting
the team build on Wednesday 7-6-16  at 7:30pm Est. I will send the list a notice first
and then I will release the team capture page to the world. Please make sure you keep your
eye out for the email. First come, first serve! I want all my list members to join first
as you guys deserve it!

Speaking of our Facebook group... I need someone to be admin for it. You Must be active
and focus on welcoming new members and helping with any new questions. It's easy and self
explanatory!  You just need to host the group and over see it. I just won't have the time to
do it properly. In return, you will get in the team build directly under me in my 1st level.
That is a seriously good position and you stand to do very well.  Just send me an email
to and tell me why I should choose you for the position.

That's all for right now! Our team build is near... are you excited yet Friend?
