Subject: Hey


March 29th, 2018 at 11:43 pm BST

I've been paid $10,907 from Yoonla and want to help you start earning with them too, it's a really easy system.So I'm opening up my Facebook Messenger,to personally walk you through getting setup.Click and say 'hey' to me in Messenger now...By allowi ...

Quick Walk-through

March 21st, 2018 at 1:41 am BST

I've earned 5-figures with Yoonla and I'll prove it to you!Watch me login to my Paypal and help you start earning...My new walk-through video will show you exactly howto become a Yoonla Evolve Elite member, allowing youto earn $4 + $2 per FREE lead c ...

Coupon For Yoonla

March 2nd, 2018 at 4:10 pm BST

Congratulations on joining Yoonla Evolve recently!You'll be paid $4.00/$2.00 for every FREE referral you send them, plus up to $60 in CPA sales commissions.Login to Yoonla and complete the steps to become 'Elite'...To unlock the 'Elite' affiliate opp ...

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