Subject: You are a Yoga Teacher... now what?

Taking the practice from the mat to the mouth... and then into your whole life ❤️


from your Yoga Fairy Godmother

Erika 'Kealapua' Faith, E-RYT 500 

Cloud Nine Yoga School

Aloha Friend ~

I couldn't resist this photo to offer a reminder that sometimes our practice on and off the mat simply needs to be about COMFORT & JOY.

Since I last wrote you, I have been teaching a series of Yoga Workshops - specifically about my favorite topics: Somatic Yoga, Acu-Yoga, and Yin Restore. All week I have been in the therapeutic Yoga bubble with a foundation of healing practices gleaned from my decades of being a student, guide, trainer, and fellow Yoga traveler. I even taught a Reiki Practitioner Training, which I hadn't in years... It felt SO GOOD! With all the reenforced energy for renewal and repair, it is no surprise that I come to you better relaxed, full of vitality, and ready to announce my newest offering:

This is for ANYONE who has completed a Yoga Teacher Training from any tradition, style, or school. It is a designated space for bolstering our livelihood so that we CAN share Yoga teachings confidently, sensitively, and authentically. Since 2020, I have been holding monthly Mentor Hour for our Cloud Nine Yoga Teachers "in training" - and have noticed the conversations have become more vulnerable, empowering, relevant, inspiring, and significant for ANYONE on the spiritual path. I felt the need to expand this circle! We need to build our inner resilience. We want to EMBRACE change, UP-LEVEL our skills, and get the BIG QUESTIONS out in the open. I am holding the container for all that and more.

Let's see each other again,

Erika ʻKealapuaʻ Faith, E-RYT 500

AKA: The Yoga Fairy Godmother

Founder & Director, Cloud Nine Yoga & Syzygy Spiritual Schools

I invite you to join me along with a community of Yoga enthusiasts, certified teachers from all traditions/styles, and blossoming leaders in the Transformative Arts to gather twice monthly for brave support.

New Member July Special - $39 per month (regular $59 / month)

I trust you are DOING your SOUL work. We do not have to do it QUIETLY or ALONE. Underneath the surface of my own experiences, personal inquiries, and responsibilities, I crave belonging and the very deep connection that comes from a talking things out. This forum provides a touchstone, twice a month, that allow us to come together and hold each other up.

Yet this pricing is only good for the month of July.

SAVE $78 when you commit to a whole year = 24 sessions for $399

BONUS: 20% OFF all online training & in person retreats all year!


Regular pricing is $590 / year

New Moon coming on Friday, July 5.

Give this MOON SALUTATION practice a whirl.


If you know someone who can benefit from this offering, please take the time to pass it along!

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