Subject: We are not Strangers to Love, Loss, and Repair

Our shared humanity brings out the Best in all of us

The Sun Shines

the Rain Falls

Clouds, Rainbows, & Snow

We weather the Storms

And bury our Kin

Under the same starry skies

I was on my way back from Colorado on a turbulent flight over the path of a Hurricane. My brief landing in California to see my family brought surprise downpours of tears. That night before, while I was celebrating the joyous conclusion of another incredible healing retreat, my beloved children and husband were ushering my soul dog, Dakota, to the heavenly realms.

I know sorrow. I feel yours, too.

We are sharing human struggles.

Sisters and brothers, we can relate...

To love and pain, loss and relief.

We are never truly alone, even though it feels like it sometimes. My eyes had not stopped leaking since August 8th, when news of the Maui fires seared my newsfeed. Each night I cried, powerless, for the families and their tragic stories unfolding from the ruins. There's no way to make this light, to see anything other than the immense scope of unmeasurable destruction and heart-wrenching loss.

With my own grief, I came back to Kauai and cleaned the house. Moved the energy of sadness... not out, but through me. Salty and sobbing, I channeled, just like the folks giving, feeding, sending, and delivering supplies to Lāhaina. It is what we have to do without an explanation. We take space and let it flow and try to have faith. I missed my dog, his black silky body leaning against me, gazing adoringly with pure devotion mirrored in his golden eyes. I also saw his sister, still alive and empty from his departure, and knew it was her I could shower with hugs. I promised Nai'a that I would keep her close to me, so she would continue to know the strength, honor, and blessing of companionship.

Heartbreak is our shared Truth. It is undeniable, universal, and a sure way that binds humanity together. Tragedy strips us down to our deepest knowing: that we, too, could have been - and will be - mourning, too.

Watching people rise and unite with charity and endless donations from across the world, I am soothed. In my own small and broken human way, struck by the outpouring of emotion, I find myself seeking some way to ease the need to DO SOMETHING, ANYTHING. It's a craving for accountability and understanding, a desire to prevent future suffering.

What I have left, I share from my Heart.

So that Love will multiply and bring Comfort

To Both of us, All of us, Until we, too, Move On

Joining with the Earth and all of Creation.

I bow deeply to you, beloved souls of the Great Soul, and offer my Gratitude for your existence. Love will see us through.

Aloha, Erika Faith

Resting in Love: Embracing a Lacuna

With a huge portion of the planets in our solar system retrograde, it is a perfect time to reflect, go within, review, realign, and find our own North Star. I recommend doing some art, writing, and meditative movement to pass this precious incubation time. You can join me and my dogs in this sweet practice I posted on YouTube.

I have to admit, it is hard for me not to plan or fill up space. I have so many ideas and visions burning inside me. Pressing the pause button, I want to live without needing a witness or to make gains. I'll take stillness and put less on the schedule to feel more. When it is time to move forward, I will be clear and well-rested.

My next Kauai 200 RYT training from Sept 22 - Oct 7 is sold out, so I have a small gap in time before that next big thing. Meet me in Hilo, HI for a 10-day Yoga & Healing Nature Retreat from October 30 - November 9. Or come enjoy a full 200 RYT Training in Napa, CA January 11 - 25, 2024. For more info, scroll down and click on the images to go straight to our website links.

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