Subject: We are about to lift off!

FINAL CALL : February 22 - March 8 🧘🏻‍♀️ Come for two weeks, get certified, and play in the snow with us!

Greetings to you, Friend

Back in January of 2000, nine beautiful souls decided to choose me to lead their journey toward Yoga Teacher Certification. It was not something I had sought to do. It was by the sincere request of my yoga students who said they couldn't imagine learning with anyone else. Thanks to our bond and our shared vision, we birthed the curriculum that would become our Yoga Alliance 200/300 Certification program. Now going 23 years strong!

It was from this humble beginning that I said yes to my own pilgrimage -- to search inside myself for the leader, professor, trainer, and writer that I didn't know I could be. It was an initiation into who I have always been and needed to become more than anything else: a student of life and a mentor for others. I am living this practice myself, for 28 years now, and continue to study even deeper truths from the spiritual masters. It is my life's journey. As I hold light and walk along, I acknowledge that I am steered by something within me, not entirely my thoughts or will alone. The practice is my strength to endure challenges, the permission granted to take breathing space, and the motivation to pick myself up when I stumble. My whole life is where Yoga happens.

A Yoga Immersion provides a certain kind of soul work. Time away from your daily responsibilities and tugs from others is probably the most significant. Your agency and soverighty are ignited. The groove of daily Yoga study and practice empowers us to catch up with ourselves, reflect, and refresh healthy routines. A training sculpts our character, propelling us into the next chapter, our sense of personal destiny is renewed. Lasting friendships are formed under this immersive environment of self-discovery and personal nourishment.

The energy to travel somewhere like Pagosa Springs or Hawaii summons our courage. Trust gets you to say YES to the experience. Hope takes you to the airport. You land and everything is clarified being in a new environment with so much freshness and possibility. When all is complete - with a certification and hours of practicing a craft under your belt - you are deeply resourced.

It is an honor to hold space for the 'inner' revolution and witness all that is revealed in these sacred pilgrimages. We are divinely guided.

Now Let's Go & Be Snow Angels ~

Erika ʻKealapuaʻ Faith, E-RYT 500, RPYT, RCYT

Founder & Director, Cloud Nine Yoga Schools

Pagosa Springs, CO :: 200-hr Yoga Training

February 22 - March 8 :: Edu-Vacation, OMmersion, Pilgrimage

with lead trainer, Erika Faith Calig, E-RYT 500

Held at PMAB+

Our days begin with a 2-hr Yoga practice where we will break down asanas, meditations, and pranayamas. Then we circle up for lectures on various topics such as philosophy, nutrition, and functional anatomy. The last hour includes time to practice teaching so you'll gain the skills needed to lead a class!

We lay the foundation for a lifelong practice and give you the tools you need to practice and share Yoga confidently.

Looking to REFRESH your training? 50% discount for repeat students!

Need a RETREAT to soothe your weary soul? Pagosa Springs has it all!

Want a RENEWAL of your mission? There is no better reason to join us.

This two-week Yoga Immersion has it all!

There are lots of great activities in between training times. Join us for a soak at the hot springs after practice. Or head to Wolf Creek Ski on one of our two off days for some time on the slopes. Make snow angels. Book a sleigh ride or sunrise hot air balloon. Snowshoe or snowmobile the incredible mountain trails. Hippie Dip in the river or simply relax by the warm fire with your feet up.

I don't know about you, but I am READY for an ADVENTURE and some designated time to Yoga-Soak-Yoga-Soak-Yoga for DAYS! Weeeeeeee!

If you can't get away and need virtual training, join our teaching team in Long Beach, CA for a LIVE 200-hr RYT Training beginning March 1, 2023. More info HERE.

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