How do I take a stand for the innocent, have the courage to address the underserved, help heal the traumatized? What will I personally do to ease the suffering of this planet and its people? When will I be brave enough to give up my comforts so corrupt corporations no longer get my hard earned money? Can we lessen the waste from the consumption and convenience monster? Is this enough? Which behaviors and words will ///support a real turnaround/// for my country, my community, my family?
If you are like me, there would be no hesitation, given I actually KNEW what to do!
Your action counts for our children, our climate, our longevity. Big change is due to consistent, disciplined, long term action. We must dedicate our time and energy every single day without excuse or distraction. It can be joyful. It can be simple. It can be small.
Each of us can contribute to the solution. We can be peaceful and merciful. We can call out what is wrong. We can protest, write our lawmakers. We can take sustainability steps. We can promote compassion. We can volunteer or give money to charity. We can put our money where our mouth is.
Even though it is sometimes hard to see and feel the difference our small changes make, keep making them. Let your life be the example.
With deepest aloha ~ Erika ʻKealapuaʻ Faith, E-RYT 500 aka: The Yoga Fairy Godmother |