Subject: Turn Mistakes into Gifts

The turn-around when you want to give up, are discouraged, feel resistant or blocked

March 2024

Yoga Fairy News

& Mystical Inspiration

from your friend and spirit guide

Aloha Friend ~

They arrive in the disguise of botched plans, clumsy mistakes, and uncomfortable slips. They also arrive in major shocks to our system: wrecking the car, getting caught in a lie, being arrested, or making a very bad investment decision.

We fall from grace.

Yucky feelings arise: embarrassment, disappointment, guilt, big fear. The critical monster looks at the situation, scornful and shaming. The mind is trying to reason with the problem - rationalize or even fight it. Spinning it over and over again, rehashing it as if you could change time, does zero good.

Go ahead and sulk a bit. Or brood. Breathe with the anxiety of loose ends. Cry or growl or howl. Have a lay down. Then, force yourself to turn to your journal or call a level-headed friend who can listen and ask the right questions. Tell the uncensored story.

Don't let things fester inside for long.

Recognize how the ego gets all wrapped up in trying to control outcomes? Understand WHY? Grasping for solutions, craving answers, yearning for everything to be OK again? We can spend YEARS getting caught in those webs.

There are spiritual rituals that attempt to quiet mental chatter and let that shit go. But, acceptance comes in waves. Eventually we receive the prompt to change our thoughts and behaviors; to meet life's perils willingly, if begrudgingly. By clearing the cobwebs and unlatching the gate, the pathway gets swept.

Now FORGIVENESS can walk through the threshold. It comes to our door, knocking gently at first, as not to rush the process. When we greet forgiveness and let it into our house, our suffering changes. Let it in. Sit in silence with it; breathe, bawl, or rage with it. Forgiveness does not excuse the trauma or take away the associated responsibility for consequences.

Forgiveness CLEARS & PURIFIES. It restores balance. It brings Truth.

In that humble embrace, we raise our frequency. This vibration makes space for healing and integration. The rest of the details are sorted out by something far greater than ourselves.

"All of your actions matter. Like the butterfly effect,

every thought or action you have will produce a Karmic effect."

On this LEAP DAY: Time is of the essence. We never know what tomorrow will bring. Courageously apologize, re-work the plans, sign the paper, pay off the debt, ask for the raise, make the health appointment, end a pattern. Take the necessary step for your heart to be right.

Illuminating the Flowered Path,

Erika ʻKealapuaʻ Faith, E-RYT 500

AKA: The Yoga Fairy Godmother

Founder & Director, Cloud Nine Yoga & Syzygy Spiritual Schools

Kauai Kama'aina

A 10-Week Yoga Study Course

March 6 - May 11, 2024

A Spring Yoga program for residents of Kauai

I have taught this curriculum for Cloud Nine Yoga School for 25 years and it just keeps getting better! Sitting in circle with people who love Yoga, delving into the teachings, and seeing them come alive ~ I live for this. Come to learn or learn to teach. You'll experience a commitment to the practices and they will infuse you.

The course honors those who want to re-align their life and body.

Practice, theory, history, philosophy, methodology, sequencing, and functional anatomy are at the heart of this program. As a Yoga Alliance registered school, Cloud Nine Yoga is accredited worldwide. Our foundational 200 RYT program is for ALL yoga practitioners, with or without experience, taught with love and playfulness!

'Syzygy' describes the experience of uniting our life energy with the awesome magnetic force of the Universe. We dynamically engage this magic by studying and practicing the intuitive arts; Astrology, Holistic Healing, Tarot, Shamanism, and Dreamwork. Each week we come together to share experiences and ground the wisdom into our lives.

Welcome new friends ~ curious or committed ~ to our

Spring Season Classes:

Syzygy Miracle Circle

An on-going, online, weekly inspirational space, supporting Lightworkers, Mystics, Dreamers, and Seekers of Truth.

 Movement, Spiritual inquiry, and Group discussion facilitated by Erika and guided by Spirit.

Tuesdays on ZOOM - 90 min (ish)

 3:00 - 4:30 pm Pacific / 6:00 - 7:30 pm Eastern

On-going: $22 per session or $77 per month

Deep Dive Into Evolutionary Astrology

A primer course to understand the mysteries of our "inner sky." For 8 weeks, take an empowered angle of seeing and interpreting your astrological birth chart. Obtain guidance and wisdom on your Soul's path and learn to live the story of your Earthly Life - anchored in freedom and choice.

Thursdays on ZOOM - 90 min (ish)

5:30 - 7:00 pm Pacific / 8:30 - 10:00 pm Eastern

Spring Semester: March 21 - May 23

$222 tuition

I understand "wake-up" magic and I'm here to serve your quest for the greatest alignment. Let's meet via Zoom, by phone, or in person!

Mini Empowerment Session Special ~ 30 min for $44!

My gift to you - a Chair Yoga Practice - via my YouTube channel.

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