Subject: The SPARK that carries you forward...

following your true North, staying on course, and expecting miracles ~ Kauai Yoga & New Beginnings

Aloha Friend,

Let your answers to these questions be the SPARK that carries you forward... What is the greatest wish you carry for yourself right now?

Is there something you can check off your bucket list?

How are you following your North Star today?

No more deliberating. No more excuses. No more putting yourself on the back burner. Even though there are a million things pulling at you... still, we must follow the soul's longing ~ to make baby steps today and bigger steps when life allows.

I certainly know, life's twists can be challenging! Just when the path seems so obvious or smooth, there is something thrown at us that can detour our course. Stay with it. Sometimes the coast is clear. And sometimes we have to re-trace our steps. It is all part of Divine timing at work. You cannot miss your destiny!

Just because something poses a question, doesn't mean we need to give up. We just need to wash the windshield and get really CLEAR. Our initiation into making dreams reality is to be sure -- again and again -- of what we want. Write it down, journal about it. Talk about what is in your way. Keep the energy circulating, keep reminding yourself: You are deserving and your dreams matter.

Breathe through the blocks. Call yourself out loud when you fall back into the old paradigm! Say a prayer or mantra like: "I am living a blessed life full of miracles." You are instantly ✨charged ✨to create a joy-filled, holy Life! Reach for the STARS! Heaven is Here.

I am pleased to offer you a FREE CLASS! Enjoy a pause to ignite your inner fire.

Tips to make YOGA an active part of your life:

1. Attend a Class on a consistent basis: Zoom In &/or take recorded practices with Me There are now 85+ awesome classes and counting!

2. Take an Online Yoga Training with Cloud Nine Yoga - we have 200 RYT, 300 RYT, or 500 RYT certification courses that you can finish in as little as a couple months!

3. Come to Kauai for a Yoga Immersion June 17 - July 2! I will be leading a LIVE, in-person 200-hr Course, hosted by Barre Soul Kauai. YEEEEHOOOOO!

I am having SO MUCH FUN planning all my weekly online classes, mentoring my self-paced Yoga Teacher Trainees, and getting ready to welcome new students back to Kauai. In fact, I am teaching PUBLIC CLASSES again starting in May on Kauai! Every Monday and Tuesday mornings join me for a 1-hr Yoga Flow - Aloha style.

You can register HERE.

Many of you also know that we bought a home in Kapaa last month and finally moved this past weekend. Moving really brings up so much and has truly been a winding, roller coaster journey since December for my little family. Living on Kauai is a true goal realized. All good things take dedication, trust in the process, and lots of elbow grease! As Grandpa Lee would say, to be continued...

Here's To New Beginnings ~

Erika Faith Calig


Cloud Nine Yoga School

Dreaming in Kauai Colors...

Mahalo Nui Loa for reading! May all love & rainbows surround you.

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