Subject: Tarot & Astrology from an Artist POV

Learn to play with Time and the Cosmic Forces

Explore Tarot & Astrology with me this Fall

Thursdays by Zoom

2:30 pm Hawaii / 5:30 pm Pacific / 8:30 pm Eastern

These spiritual tools are so misunderstood!

The Tarot is a storyteller; it holds a mirror to the subconscious realm to stimulate self-knowledge with numbers, symbols, and imagery. Together we will uncover the meanings - through various artists' visual representations of the 22 Major Archetypes and the 4 Suits - to utilize the revelatory value of playing with these cards. Learn to reveal your inner truths and clarify your path forward.

For ages, the mystics have gleaned potent wisdom about the personal and collective experience by noting the movements of the planets in the sky. We, too, will illumine our minds by discovering the unique energies of the 12 major Zodiac constellations and attributes of the 9 planets so that we can see how Astrology works in our lives.

Make the vow to find your own Guiding Light. Bear witness to your Soul's promise. The Tarot and Astrology combined provide a powerful compass to see us through these times.

8 Consecutive Weeks, September 7 - October 26, $144

2 hrs each Thursday, Live session + recording

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