Subject: System Overhaul - Time to Review Relationships of all kinds and welcome New Visions for Future Self

Yes, Mercury is Retrograde (and so is Venus!) - but what the heck does that mean?!?!

Stay Light as You Swing into the New Year, Friend,

Blessings, my friends!

It was a bumpy start to 2022, huh? We are all processing so much as we continue to adapt to life's strange twists and turns. Instead of full speed ahead at the turn of a new year, we are faced with more time to reflect, regenerate, and dream. The visions and ideas you have now are important stepping stones to something more that will become concrete in the months to come. For now, we are being invited to pause, play, and be present with exactly what's in front of us.

That's generally the feeling of planetary RETROGRADES, which happen quite often, actually - when a planet 'appears' to be moving backwards in the sky. With Mercury, the planet of communication, it is all about plans, technology, transportation, dexterity - so those themes will likely become amiss. Even if you feel like there is a lot of busyness around you, it may be an effort to control or manipulate what feels a bit chaotic from mercurial energies -literally- going backward. Instead, remind yourself to purposefully slow things wayyyyy down. If you must "DO" something: re-trace your steps, re-evaluate a past project, or re-view your budget. Re-lax, Re-store, Re-jenerate. Doesn't that sound lovely?

With Venus, the planet of love, aesthetics, and pleasures - there is a natural distancing that takes place in relationships to people and things. We are shifting emotionally - a necessary step back to see our own part in the functioning of our emotions, our sensual body / sexual energy, as well as our concept of beauty. It may be a time you consider cleaning out closets or re-arranging furniture. Sometimes, old flames or partnerships return by memory or a dream. Other times, we are faced with a moment in our current relations where we are called to delve into OUR PART of the dynamic. There may be a reveal of the inner-workings so you can improve how you show up. Either way, there is no need to act or change anything! Simply bring mindfulness and attention to whatever arises. Thank you, Venus, for helping us see our true values and assess what is working (or not).

"Be patient with everything that is unsolved in your heart."

While taking space might feel good for some, it can make us or those around us feel a bit insecure or ungrounded. It may be helpful to assure others in your sphere that it is nothing personal; it is just simply a time-out-of-time for healthy self-reflection and focused inner work. This attitude is balanced for us to make good use of these retrograde moments. Until the first week of February, when Mercury and Venus are back to moving in direct motion, embrace more time to breathe and just be. Allow yourself to turn toward your own relationship to Self (with the big 'S') and how you want to improve your own happiness and sense of inner stability.

We must devote some time to work on ourselves to understand dynamics that may be hidden and ready to heal - or habits/patterns of relating that you are ready to move on from. The deeper strength that emerges from times like this are good for all our relations - from work, to home, to family, to community, and beyond. If you want a 1:1 Empowerment Session with me, I will use your birth chart (astrology) along with a few card pulls with my trusty Tarot deck to open up the channel for spiritual guidance on your path. Reply to this email with some possible dates/times and we will set something up!

If you are loving this astrology talk, get involved in my new Syzygy Spiritual School or venture into our courses at Cloud Nine Yoga School. We are teaching all kinds of amazing things up in here.

Channeling Greatness, Erika ʻKealapuaʻ Faith, E-RYT 500

aka: The Yoga Fairy Godmother

Syzygy Spiritual School


This is a 9-week foundational study group that covers the groundwork of essential archetypes and numerology, as well as the imagery contained within the symbols and elements of Tarot and other oracle decks. Did you know that Divine intelligence is wanting to communicate with you? This profound virtual community will help you tap into your highest intuition through one of the more ancient tools for gaining deeper insight into your life.We will teach you how your guidance can come through clearly and powerfully.

Join us on Wednesdays in February + March 2022

from 5:00 - 7:00 pm Pacific Time

Materials: Purchase The Tarot Handbook & Thoth Tarot Deck


4 Cosmic Deep Dive Sessions w/ Expert Readers

2nd & 4th Saturdays in February + March

12:00 - 2:00 pm Pacific Time

This level offers a Certificate of Completion!

Cloud Nine Yoga School

Do you have fun with your Yoga Practice? Is it about Play, Spiritual connection, and falling in love with Yourself? Are you ready to Reboot your Movement studies and expand your knowledge of Health Rituals and complementary healing modalities?

"I am grateful for these awesome souls guiding me."

Our Yoga School is like no other! We start with essential teachings that align with the original system of Hatha Yoga and build from there. Curriculum weaves the inspirational philosophies with the postures, pranayama, and meditation to fulfill a deeper goal: to clear our channels and bring back the most efficient, pure energy that enhances our inner peace. We nourish our students by stabilizing mental health, encouraging regular Ayurvedic self care, and teaching functional anatomy in all movement - not just Yoga postures.

"Cloud Nine Yoga School courses are of the highest quality

and are worth their weight in Gold!"

We have self-paced, Online Certification Courses that include 140 practice classes, 200-hr and 300-hr curriculum, distinctly outlined lessons, engaging topics presented with care -- all organized on our very own educational platform. In addition, we offer a virtual weekly 90-min Mentor Hour via Zoom where the community comes together to practice teach, ask questions, share break throughs, and connect to other Yogis completing their Teacher Training journey.

"There are no other programs of this experience and caliper out there. Cloud Nine Yoga's vibe and what they offer is so entirely unique and special."

Right now is a great time to begin. We have Yoga Alliance approval of all our Certification programs through December of 2023! You can take as much time as you need -- dive in and get it done or soak it up without a hard deadline. We support you 100% through the process.

Become a Teacher

Upgrade Your Certification

Master the Practice

Play, Fall in Love, and Be Inspired!

Kauai Awaits

Join our next live training:

or set up a personal retreat with us in 2022

Blessings & Aloha from my heart to yours.

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