Subject: Summer Days in the Shade of a Special Tree & Night Strolls Under the Stars

Playing with the Great Mystery on the Stage of life, Living in the 'ish, and Why Choose Cloud Nine Yoga School

Open Arms, Big Heart

Trusting the Flow

I receive & I let go...

Aparigraha - Letting Go to Get A Grip

Aloha Friends & Yogis ~

I am coming back to you after a much needed breather. I celebrated my daughter's birthday (as well as my own), watched my husband complete his first Ironman with great success in Kona Hawai'i, and spent time with cherished friends. Most of all, I let go and rested a bit. Laying in a hammock for days is not my go-to; I am CREATIVE and like to stay busy. Taking time out is actually a challenge for me! Even in my relaxation, I am conjuring up my next adventure or dreaming into what I will 'moonifest' next!

Even though it seems that things are opening up after more than a year of shut-downs, there also seems to be no guarantees. The world, the climate, our behaviors - they are precariously teetering. Our summers can be so hot in most places that we have to stay inside during the midday hours. This is the time to sit by the fan or under a tree in the shade and do a Yoga practice to unwind the body and get into a healing, meditative mind. If only for an hour, it sets the tone for a more peaceful TODAY. And literally, that is all we have. To everything... a season. Everything turns, passes, transmutes. As life cycles, we learn... (continued in my BLOG).

Do you know that I have over 100 Recorded Yoga Classes archived on my Google Drive which you can watch from your computer or smartphone? Each class is so unique. The collection includes Yoga for Mental Health, Vinyasa Flow, Acu-Yoga, Yin Restore -- all classes are all levels, of course. I have faith in holistic practices. They strengthen our laurels, return us to our innate power, and remind us of the essential rituals that keep us sane. The current package is $198 and you'll have unlimited access to all 100+ recordings indefinitely plus Zoom invites so you can attend practices with me virtually, in real time. I am going back to teaching Thursdays and Sundays for the rest of the year starting July 8. REGISTER NOW FOR EARLY ACCESS.

When in Kauai, Register for Erika's Class in advance to be sure you have a spot!
CLICK to Register for an IN PERSON Erika Class at Barre Soul in Kauai

Living in the 'ish - Life is Improv Theatre

Yep. It is true. We can only intend what will happen. A plan is a plan, not something set in stone. What is on the calendar today, next week, a month or year from now is most likely to be completely different than first imagined. Living by the inner compass, we find that there is something larger guiding the performers on the stage. Even though you are the main actor, the Divine Director is still in charge. Isn't that part of the fun? Surprises are exciting. Predictable stories are boring. And yes, winding wild rides can be too nauseating. There are so many factors presenting themselves on in the stage of life that we don't always take into account, so we must prepare to FLOW.

To remain flexible and adaptable is a necessary skill to take with us on this long, strange trip. I've noticed that the best things in life happen by synchrony, and are entirely unexpected. We play at the playground of life and really don't know what kind of characters will show up to the slide or swing. The Yogis called the Mystery Unfolding as LILA, or Divine Play. Life is a dance and we are being lead, like it or not... (read more about this HERE)

In an effort to offer SURPRISING & MAGICAL experiences to students as they Train in Yoga or Become Teachers, this Yoga Fairy Godmother maintains several secret practices so I can be a clear channel with the frequency of Inspiration & Joy. I have spent 22 years designing curriculum with playfulness at the heart of teaching it. You can come train with me In Person, Online, or a Hybrid of the two!  Coming soon: Modules 1 - 3 of Cloud Nine Yoga's Advanced 300-hr Training held in beautiful, verdant Kauai OCTOBER 7 - 16, 2021. Be Part of the IMMERSION in KAUAI.


Why Choose Cloud Nine Yoga School?

Considering all the choices out there on the Yoga scene, this is why we are SPECIAL and stand out from the crowd:

  • We have been training and certifying Yoga Teachers for 22 years.

  • Our school has been registered with the Yoga Alliance since 2002.

  • The curriculum and approach is deeply holistic, accessible, and FUN.

  • Included in your tuition: 1:1 + Weekly Group Mentoring and On-going Classes via Zoom, a 300+ page Training Manual, and on-going access to exclusive archived material.

  • Courses are flexible and can be done in person, virtually, or hybrid.

  • Focus is on INTEGRATION of essential Yoga teachings into real life so that you can be the best student and most authentic teacher.

  • Curriculum is academic and rich in methodology, anatomy, and philosophy -- yet combines spiritual themes that enrich learning and self-realization.

  • We don't subscribe to any one style or school of Yoga. We pull the highest knowledge from Raja (Hatha), Bhakti, Jnana, Karma, and Tantra and roll it up into One Beautiful Experience, adaptable to all.

  • Diversity and trauma-sensitivity is at our ROOTS. We celebrate the whole rainbow of humanity.

  • The positive transformation that happens to students during our course is powerful beyond words. We commonly hear: THIS HAS CHANGED MY LIFE FOR THE BETTER.

  • Students say a lot of wonderful things about our trainers and programs: see our Testimonials & Kudos.

  • Most of all, you are always 'Ohana. We create a feeling of family that doesn't end when you are certified.

Cloud Nine Yoga School is filled with the warmth of ALOHA ~

Take a Class from Wherever you Are!

A deep wave of Compassion & Aloha to you.


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