Subject: Step into a Circle of Light & Community Support

Learn about Syzygy Spiritual, Cloud Nine Yoga's sister school for Mystical Studies and a Touchstone for Healing

Building Our Light is the Greatest Gift of the Season

Solstice Greetings

You are invited...

 to step into the circle

of sacred community at

Syzygy Spiritual School

Delve into the Mysteries of Astrology, Tarot, Dreams & Shamanism

(and everything in between) in this weekly support group where we come together to nurture the sublime in everyday life.

Winter Semester starts on Thursday, January 5

'I believe that the old paradigm of separation and alienation is dying, crumbling under its own untruth and pain. We are, in fact, inescapably, completely interconnected to one another, and the cosmos around us — a cosmos that may be most accurately named Love.' ~ Joanna Macy

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