Subject: Remarkable Ways to Turn the Dial and Change Things Up

It' a Perfect Moment to Replenish Energy and Raise Your Vibration

Spring News

from The Yoga Fairy Godmother of

Cloud Nine Yoga & Syzygy Spiritual Schools

Aloha Friend ~

When I was a little girl and had a bad dream, I would go into my parent's room and announce the situation. Mom once told me, "Go See The Wizard" but Dad would always say, "Just Change The Channel."

Their words have stayed with me... and still make me chuckle.

Mom's quirky kindness, dad's sound encouragement, and the overall open communication in our extended family dynamic gives me gratitude. This is not to say there wasn't dysfunction or trauma. All has served my soul evolution, character building, and the discovery of my own true voice.

Do you want to turn the dial on your current programming?

I am facilitating a two month program that will surely inspire! Join me for some evolutionary, high spirited, up-leveling toward homo sanctus - the Sacred Human. We will be using contemplation methods, gentle guided movement, and spiritual seed planting to help us through our current state. The result will be a powerful improvement to your day-to-day functioning and an energetic boost ~ and it will happen naturally, through your attention and intention.


  • EVERYTHING IS VIBRATION & FREQUENCY. And we can DIRECT IT! Switch the station and get a new wave, a harmonic shift, a different vibe. If there's too much static, turn off entirely and wait for a bit. A full reboot may be in order. I will teach you 10 methods - one each week - to experiment with and integrate!

  • The highest practices guide us to raise, shift, mutate, balance, and transform our own experiences - big and small. You will discover 10 pathways that are both grounding, embodiment routines AND awareness based spiritual applications. Each technique will help you TO COMMIT TO HEALING YOURSELF.

  • In every day personal dramas, we often respond from a wound or shadow. This is often something we cannot see. Yet, there's hidden gifts to uncover as we acknowledge and disarm our repressed or reactive parts. Whether ancestral traumas, coping mechanisms, or patterns of mysterious origins - you'll receive 10 skills to maintain equanimity and live from an open heart - all while dismantling old behaviors. A QUANTUM LEAP IS AVAILABLE TO YOU!

I have many "go-to" practices for daily physical tune-ups, tapping into spiritual realms, and recalibrating the vital energetic forces to share with you! Get primed to function at your highest and best on TUESDAYS from March 19 to May 21. 3:00 - 4:30 pm Pacific Time / 6:00 - 7:30 pm Eastern. Join the Spring Season's MIRACLE CIRCLE!

At Your Service,

Erika ʻKealapuaʻ Faith, E-RYT 500

AKA: The Yoga Fairy Godmother

Founder & Director, Cloud Nine Yoga & Syzygy Spiritual Schools


Take the Quantum leap to Replenish your Soul

March 19 - May 21 via Zoom

3:00 - 4:30 pm Pacific / 6:00 - 7:30 pm Eastern


Learn 10 Ways to Reboot, Heal, & Open Your Heart

+ Gentle, Accessible, Embodiment Practices

 + Instant Energetic Realignment Tools

+ Thought Adjustments

+ Heart Steps

+ Sangha


Study the Influence of Celestial Bodies 

March 21 - May 23 via Zoom

5:30 - 7:30 pm PDT / 7:30 - 9:30 CDT


A Revolutionary Astrology Course revealing the cosmic stories of the 13 zodiac signs, 9 planets, and the sparkling map above you.

Get meaning to your Soul's Earthly Life in an Interactive, live format. Lecture, discussion, and enlightenment practices!

OMMMM on Cloud Nine

2024 Retreats & Edu-Vacations in Kauai


The Garden Island is the Third Eye of the Hawaii.

Join me for an EPIC, transformational experience complete with high vibe nutrition, stunning nature outings, cultural experiences, and powerful take-aways to enhance your LIFE.

Insight, intuition, and inspiration!

Create a Positive Ripple Effect. This is a Yoga Class to Raise Your Vibration!

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