Subject: Making Solid Plans

Syzygy Spiritual School Fall Season starts Oct 5 & Last call for 300-hr Part : In person Nov 3 - 13 in Kauai! More info inside...

RYT 300 Advanced Yoga Certification Course

Syzygy Spiritual School back in session Oct 5






Greetings, Yogis ~

Fall is here and I can feel the energy of change in the air. It is now we shift gears and set intentions for the new season. Happy New Moon ~ a great time to release what you don't want, and call in what you do!

I learned so much about myself this summer. After traveling to Pagosa Springs, CO, a new world opened up to me. The community and the sisters who journeyed with me became my collaborators, friends, and confidants. We recognized our connection by making future plans, not by just talking about it, but really doing it. The calendar for 2023 is packed with shared visions - which gives me something beautiful to look forward to!

That is definitely part of what my message is for you today: Making changes requires a plan of action. Without a list of steps to take and a time frame that is attainable, following through is impossible. Plans provide a purpose and focus for our energy. When I schedule something, I put in place solid action items. I detail out a schedule and tick away little by little toward it. Each week I give effort to one significant item in the plan. I demonstrate to myself, my collaborators, and the universe that this goal is in my heart.

'MOONifesting' is what my buddy Terra Ann and I call it.

Yes, certain times still will ask me to release doubtful thoughts and distractions. Other times I am invited to listen for my inner guidance to lead the way - especially when I inevitably hit a fork in the road. Even more, I pay attention to my dreams, stay in tune with the astrological influences, and keep tuned in with the creative force that unfolds my wishes in divine timing. I know I am not the only one who makes things manifest. Combining my energy output with receptivity, breathing room, and space for the next steps to appear is also part of the equation.

Are you wishing for your next level certification with all the exciting adventures that come with learning? Do you want to work with Tarot, Astrology, and Shamanism to help you along the way? Look at the opportunities below to get involved and set your plan in motion!

With excitement for the coming season,

Rev. Erika 'Kealapua' Faith 


Founder & Director, Cloud Nine Yoga & Syzygy Spiritual Schools


Become an Advanced Yoga Teacher with our Hybrid-syle Certification Course

Come train with Erika in person with two opportunities in the next year. The other modules can be completed online with virtual weekly mentoring to keep you on track.

You'll receive the first bonus sessions AND unlimited access to all of Erika's online Yoga Practices!

Kauai Part 1: November 3 - 13, 2022

Kauai Part 2: April 20 - 30, 2023

Tarot Birth Cards help you learn to work with your Archetypes. Astrological Transits to your Birth Chart offer insight into perfect timing for events, rest periods, and indications for career moves. Daily Shamanic Practices tune the inner compass and show us signs and synchronicities.

Our Wednesday meetings with SYZYGY SPIRITUAL SCHOOL teach you to work with all the above... and more.

Let the Pumpkin & Cinnamon Season Fun begin.


October 5 - December 28

Zoom with us for 2 hours Wednesday evenings from wherever you are. Classes are recorded and archived if you have to miss them. We will read three amazing books together as we move along with the curriculum. A full schedule is available when you sign up to attend our FREE introductory class!

Advanced Yoga Training

300 RYT



300-hr Part 1:

Nov 3 - 13, 2023

300-hr Part 2:

April 20 - 30, 2023

200-hr In Depth Yoga Study & Teacher Certification


200-hr Hybrid

January 8 - 15, 2023

+ Wine with Laura & Calistoga Hot Springs

200-hr Yoga Immersion in a Winter Wonderland


200-hr OMmersion

Feb 22 - Mar 8, 2023

Includes Hot Springs & Snowboarding!

Interested in an upcoming training?

Reply to this email with the training you want to join and we will send you the full details!


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