Subject: In a Sacred Circle of Peaceful Rebels

To thrive through theses times, help create a Village of Good Vibes ~

SUMMER Blessings 2024

With Aloha from

the Yoga Fairy Godmother

Aloha Friend ~

We are village people.

It takes a circle of whole people being fully in their heart power to meet the current times with courage.

A family unit extends far beyond the nuclear; it is interdependant on the neighbors, aunties & uncles, artists, farmers, weavers, bee keepers, herbalists, and candle-makers. It's time to open to learning old ways in new forms and using technology for the benefit of the greater good - inclusive of Mother Earth and her creatures.

Most of us in the western world have been stuck in a relentless cycle of craving and waste. We are conditioned to consume and want more stuff, never satisfied fully. It's a disease of emptiness that causes us to scroll and fill time with useless images, hype, and novelty. Let's sit around and talk story, make music, build a meal, and play charades. We have so many timeless gifts to give and receive.

Join me now in reflecting the possibility of a better reality for humanity by gathering your tribe to do things differently. You are the Force of Change!

It's due time to bravely support new structures and systems that care for our deepest needs: clean water, fresh air, restful sleep, places to immerse in nature, belonging, and sustainably cultivated food. We require simple, spiritual nourishment as well - to circle up together and sing, dance, laugh, grieve, dream, love, stargaze, and... be still, too. Nothing else could be more important when all the temporary remedies fail.

Presence is our divine key for being in this moment of radical change. To live one day at a time in meaningful connection and support of a shared consciousness that unifies. We must know that we are bound together, regardless of politics and religion.

Rising to Lead in Love & Peace,

Erika ʻKealapuaʻ Faith, E-RYT 500

AKA: The Yoga Fairy Godmother

Founder & Director, Cloud Nine Yoga & Syzygy Spiritual Schools

with the Yoga Fairy Godmother

Using the Ryder-Waite-Smith deck as a tool for insight, inquiry, and reflection.

Group journeys, personal practices, and collective readings each week!

August 1 - September 26

Thursdays via Zoom

2 hrs per week

2:30 pm Hawaii / 5:30 pm Pacific / 8:30 pm Eastern


200-hr Edu-Vacation with RYT Certification


Kauai, HI :: Oct 2 - 16, 2024 :: 200 RYT Curriculum - 1 SPOT LEFT

Full Training includes 15 nights lodging, food, activities, ground transportation, and airport transfers!


Bi-monthly Webinar with Erika for teachers of all Yoga Traditions, meeting Wednesdays via Zoom

8:00 am Hawaii / 11:00 am Pacific / 2:00 pm Eastern

On-Going: $59 per month / Annual Membership $590

*JULY SPECIAL $39 / month or $390 annual *

It's been almost a full year since my sweet shaman boy, Dakota, made his transition over the rainbow bridge. This practice always brings a smile ~ dogs are the best teachers! There is so much love, silliness, and nurturing here. Enjoy these 'dog days' of summer, friends.

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