Subject: In These Severe Times...

Baby Animals 🐶, Riding a Wave to the Sand 🏄🏼‍♀️, and Hawaiian Music 🎼


We must




& Boost Our Happy


It is time for a Happy Dance!

Why, you ask? Everything is going to the crapper right now and you want me to feel good?! Yes, I do. Aren't we feeling bad enough? Why suffer on top of the suffering? Just stay with me on this one. I hope to circle back around...

The way things are in the outside world feel out of control. People are hurting in so many ways from the disruptions in all aspects of our lives. No one is without a struggle - from health and home to work and finances. We are in a state of upending change. Dear souls are being affected by fires, floods, hurricanes, and other incidents of extreme weather. I am in this with you. We cannot turn our backs on each other. If you are here to help, love, and be of service to the greater good, you are part of the solution. As a collective, this is a shared experience, not to be denied, bypassed, or ignored. Compassion is God's call to us right now. Nothing else will save us, especially not a politician! We must take the power into our own lives, into the way we treat ourselves and each other, and begin to act as if everyone, especially our neighbors, truly matter.


So let's find our Happy no matter what. If you are having a hard time finding it, put on some music and dance. Get a massage. Find an animal to cuddle. Ride a wave or hike to a mountain top. Reach out and FaceTime a friend. You are not alone in this crazy time! Take a single online class on any Sunday by clicking this LINK or register for my Thursday Yoga for Mental Health class HERE. Read on for more offerings.

With Comfort & Joy, Erika ʻKealapua' Faith, E-RYT 500

Founder & Director, Cloud Nine Yoga Schools



Attend in Real Time or Get the Recording

When you purchase a course, you can attend live or view the archived video whenever you would like! There is no need to worry about missing a class or running late. Although we recommend you attend in real time, you can always save a meeting for later. When you take a course online, it is in your time and in the comfort of your space.


Yoga is not just poses - it how you live your precious life.


Use Mettā as a Daily Practice


Just as all the Great Masters taught: we love one another and treat others how we want to be treated. The Brahmavihara meditation guides us in the ways of showing up for our brothers and sisters. Also known as Maitrī in Sanskrit, Mettā means for us to cultivate benevolence to heal ourselves and the planet. Breathing out, I give amity to you. Breathing in, I receive good will.


Look To What is Working



Reflecting on the things in our lives that make us feel good or awful is called Swādhyayā in Yoga terms. This means to, without criticism or judgement, see what is happening as either in alignment with your Soul or not. Then, make adjustments to do more of what is right than what is hurting you. Once we notice and acknowledge our experience we can more easily make changes.


Trust Your Inner Compass



Every day I meditate and pray. I put my fellow humans and those chosen to govern on my altar. I ask that everyone cool down, be pragmatic, and engage in actions that make life sustainable for all creatures great and small. With a humble heart, I call us to recognize that we need to rise above the ploys to divide us, that we can 'see through' to the intentions of our leaders and know who to listen to, who is forthright, and especially who to trust. 


 If you need Yoga class and donʻt have the funds, respond to this email and we will gift you our Yoga for Mental Health class for Free!


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