Subject: Immune to Negative Energy ~ Transmute Hate to Love ~ Helping Spirits are Everywhere

Build Your Energy Shield & Create of Positive Patterning


I'm back from my travels!

I was in Greece + Crete this past month and got schooled.

 In this newsletter, I'll share my experiences, gift you some tips to resource your energy, and share about our Fall events - online and in beautiful Kauai.

Fall Back into Yoga, Spiritual Studies, and Healing Practices

Namaste ~

Some things are really hard to put into words, but I'm going to try.

Like most of the world, I was afraid to travel during these strange times. Feeling unsure and unsafe, I wavered and hesitated about leaving up until the week before departure. My brain felt weird entrusting my travel experience to people I had never met in person. Truly I was "surrendering fully" because I was literally flying half way across the planet. Call me crazy, I know. Something inside of me obviously needed a shake-up. Little did I know that the feelings I had prior to leaving were foreshadowing what was to come:

A shit storm mixed with a few redeeming moments. 

For most of the experience, our organizers argued with each other. Plans were constantly changing last minute. Many of us (there were 10 attendees) were deeply uncomfortable with the way in which one of the leaders led the practices. As you can imagine, all the participants were stressed by the inability of our guides to lead us with integrity and be accountable to the picture they painted that got us to Greece and Crete with them in the first place. We all unearthed our own wounded child part in the 'family dynamics' of the group because that is what happens when we are under dysfunctional systems. Ultimately, we took matters into our own hands...

We survived by genuinely holding sacred space for each other.

Out of necessity to get through the negativity of the situation, we had to step up and each do our part to take care of ourselves and find some peace in the chaos. Otherwise, all the invested finances and time to attend this trip felt wasted - and who wanted to feel that? At one time or another, I bet each person had faced the question: Do I leave or stay? I'll be honest - I was contemplating a full exodus. Yet, I was in deep with the group and the investment in making new friends. Being an optimist, I had a sibilance of hope for the days to come. As you can tell, I possess a certain loyalty to seeing things through to the end. So, how did I cope when it felt like things were falling apart?

Two things: Inner Resolve and Self Advocacy.

Immature leaders and those focused on their own Ego Identity (cult of personality), will utilize Power Play Dynamics to control, manipulate, and cajole a person or group - often by using (consciously or unconsciously) upending tactics to weaken our resolve and make us dependent on them. So we must be courageous and tenacious enough to see this, turn toward our own sovereignty, and without indecision, act on our own behalf. Regardless of the risks. Trust your inner compass, have faith in what is truly nourishing, and do what you need to do -- even if it makes someone angry or unhappy.

In any case, an enlightened leader will empower the individuals within a group and encourage freedom. Anyone who cares about democracy wants it to be anchored in personal responsibility, healthy interaction, collaboration, and empathy for the wide range of human experience.

Most of all, after all of the lessons in the past month, I have learned we need less BIG leaders and more PERSONAL leading. Each of us must own our life creation and do our part to carry ourselves, our communities, and our world in a way that supports, nurtures, and sustains us ALL.

Lifetime Access to 100+ Yoga Classes with Erika

For $198 you can purchase all of Erika's Yoga Practices as well as receive invites to the remaining Zoom Webinars for 2021. Sign Up

Online Yoga Training Courses are On Sale!

200-hr Teacher Certification (Yoga Alliance 200 RYT) and 300-hr Advanced Yoga Training (500 RYT) is formatted for Self-pacing and can be completed entirely online. Includes live Zoom classes + Mentoring with Erika! Learn more and Get the discount HERE.

9 Tips to Resource Your Own Energy

  1. You have helping Spirits around you. Ask for help and it will come.

  2. When something you are saying or doing is not aligned, your gut will tell you. Often this wisdom comes in the form of a sick or uneasy feeling. Know that there is room to self-correct.

  3. Take brave steps to the truth. Journal (write) uncensored and get to the bottom of what is nagging. Be brutally honest with yourself.

  4. It is okay to say NO and I don't know. It is better to be on board 100% than to sacrifice time and energy again and again.

  5. Full congruence with a decision feels like a full body smile. You will know that something is right for you. Trust that.

  6. Even though it is scary, disappoint someone. Make choices based on taking impeccable care of yourself. Be your own advocate.

  7. Wake up and meditate or pray. Light a candle or incense and set the tone for the day ahead. Tune in to your power. Create a healthy light shield around you. Ground into the Earth.

  8. Know that THIS is YOUR life. You get to make it beautiful and enjoyable in your own way. Those who truly love you and matter for your future will support you.

  9. Get outside...of yourself. Too much self focus is detrimental to your health, too! Give some energy to something outside of you to make the world or someone else better. Go for a walk or hike and take a trash bag with you. Meet a friend at the park and play on the swings. Feed the birds. Call and check on a friend. Be there for something else. It is good to give your love away to a good cause.

Here's a nourishing practice for you that is perfect for the changeable nature of the Autumn Season called "Grounding the Winds of Vata." It will help you feel tethered when things in life are shifting or when you feel scattered.

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