Subject: Erika Classes and Cloud Nine Online

Register for Erikaʻs Zoom classes, Take a Workshop, or Get Certified ONLINE


Here We Go!



These times are calling us forward to make big adjustments.

We can no longer play small or stop speaking up. We must love deeper, feel more, and face humanityʻs struggles with peace in our hearts. All people must be treated fairly and all voices need to be heard. It is our duty to bring Equality to Reality.

In the wake of our global shift, I have been summoned ever more with Spiritʻs whispers -- guidance to make Yoga even more accessible and affordable to the masses. My focus and energies are directed to teaching my students both mental health practices and offering self-healing tools. The practice of Hatha Yoga combined with my 25 years of public service has pushed me to show up to myself and this community like never before.

In light of new provisions from Yoga Alliance, allowing RYS (Registered Yoga Schools) to bring their programs, courses, trainings, and classes entirely online, I am elated to share with you that a new online platform for Cloud Nine Yoga School has been created. We are now LIVE and ready to serve you like never before.

Today begins our first class of our Summer Session, and although in some places it isnʻt quite feeling like summer yet, you can bring some sunshine into your life by signing up for a class, workshop, or training course. It can truly reawaken, realign, and empower your life with powerful, motivational movement towards what is well, nourishing, and good.

So let us breathe together, feel Unity in our human tribe, and enlighten all lives with Yogaʻs sacred philosophies and techniques put into action. This is YOUR CALL. Answer it! You can take a single online class on any Sunday by clicking this LINK or register for my Thursday Yoga for Mental Health class HERE.

Blessings, Erika ʻKealapuaʻ Faith, E-RYT 500

Founder & Director, Cloud Nine Yoga Schools



Sign up NOW

All classes are recorded, so when you purchase a course, you can attend live or view the archived video whenever you would like! There is no need to worry about missing a class or running late. Although we recommend you attend in real time, you can always save a meeting for later. When you take a course online, it is in your time and in the comfort of your space.


Yoga is not just poses - it how you live your precious life.


Yes, you will learn Asana (yoga postures). Yet you will learn to hold them and move with grace, peace, and steadiness. Yes, you were learn Pranayama, or Breath Regulation. But we will include the ways to utilize your Prana, or Life Force, for Healing. Yes, we will do Savasana (our favorite relaxation pose). Plus, a plethora of other wonderful decompression and unwinding techniques for your body temple.



Be Present


We must dedicate ourselves. It takes discipline and repetition, but it is worth it. Click the link above to sign up for Sacred Sunday Yoga.



Create Art

Be in Nature

We must open ourselves to new experiences. Miracles, and magic await. Use the link above to create your own Heaven On Earth.


Self Care


Daily Rituals

We must hold ourselves accountable. Our commitment is in every breath, every action. Meet with Erika each Thursday to experience Yoga for Mental Health.


No one is turned down due to lack of funds. If you need Yoga class and donʻt have the funds, respond to this email and I will take care of it. It is my way of contributing to those in need.


This is my new email host. In this transition, I have added my contacts from both gmail, yahoo, and Constant Contact.

If I have added you and you do not want to hear from me in the future, please unsubscribe and you will be removed forever.

My intention is to send one email per month to students, clients and friends who want to hear from me. Mahalo & Namaste.


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