Subject: Do It For Yourself, Do It For The Village

love more by practicing self-compassion :: live well by expanding your mind :: be the one you have been looking for

You are a Miracle, Friend, there is no one quite like you!

Self-discovery is about learning, seeing, acknowledging, and embracing what is natural to our Soul, both as a unique individual on the planet and in representation of our personal growth as an incarnation of the divine. Everything has led you to this point. Each DNA spark from your ancestors, each life you have lived, each story told. The breath you are breathing now is the YOU that is today.

Each of us is working with our own clues of where we have been and where we are going. Past experiences are understood so that we can 'get' the teaching from it; future dreams are imagined so that we can focus our energy toward a new creation. Where we are standing and what is currently happening in our world is the space of present attention. To become clear, we must be in the here and now, attending to what is in front of us in the moment.

Using the Tarot is one tool that reveals the undercurrents of our psyche, the places that aren't fully admitted into our consciousness. Why does this matter? Because we often run away from seeing a Bigger Picture and when facing it in symbol, imagery, myth, and glyph - we can more easily relate to it (the problem, issue, or question) instead of resist or block it. Certain cards show up to tell us what we need to know. They invite an inquiry: to see further than we would normally. It helps us to practice being free and asking for spiritual help.

Beginning on February 2, I will be initiating a new weekly virtual circle for 9 weeks via Zoom that will empower you to develop your Intuition, navigate the 22 major Archetypal themes embedded in the human journey through life, become aware of the Elements that govern the body/mind/emotions as the story of your own life plays out, and understand the various Characters that emerge to motivate us to self-mastery. After several weeks of exploring the card meanings, we will play with readings and spreads ~ putting it all to practical use. This class is great for beginners, dabblers, and those who have some previous experience who need some new inspiration!

We will build community, support each other's uniqueness, and tell new, amazing stories of awakening that can propel us into deeper joyousness. This is sure to be an adventure beyond traveling to places abroad - as we will travel to places inside ourselves and tap into an infinite world of cosmic wisdom, grace, and practical magic.

Here's the link to Register.

Listening to the Mystery,

Erika ʻKealapuaʻ Faith, E-RYT 500

aka: The Yoga Fairy Godmother

Cloud Nine Yoga School @ Barre Soul Kauai

March 31 - April 14


Erika Faith Calig, E-RYT 500 & Anna Bazalar, Owner of Barre Soul Kauai

 In person 200-hr Yoga Teacher Training & Certification includes a 15-day immersion in Kauai with some pre-training recorded classes and post-training mentoring. This hybrid program allows you to find a practice that attunes your body-mind-spirit to unbelievable fitness, health, and well-being. It will give you voice, knowledge, confidence, and the tools needed to create a powerful Yoga class for diverse student needs. You will come away feeling in awe, loving your body more fully, and with a collection of techniques from Hatha Yoga to fuel a lifetime of personal and professional practice.

The Yoga Fairy Godmother

I recently claimed this name fully. It was originally given to me by a very beloved student, Bobby Bihr, which caught on with a particular advanced training group. At that time, I had not quite warmed up to it; the 'Godmother' sounded so old to me! Anyhow, fast forward about a decade and I am embracing what it is to have a magical presence in my client's lives and feel proud to bless myself with a new token of wisdom. Going from "Omshantimama" to "Yoga Fairy Godmother" feels a bit more refined and wholly me; it speaks of all my quirky facets - not just of peace, but of healing miracles. Not solely a mama, but a GOD mama. The spark of the Divine comes through me and blesses the lives in my sphere. I have wings to move through many realms.

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