Subject: A Spring Wishlist

Attend a weekly women's group...practice real self-care...tend my garden (open to see my whole list!)

Women's Spiritual Group

Meeting Thursdays

April 6 - June 22

by Zoom

Dear friends, I am inviting you to attend a very special gathering of wise and well women. We circle up once per week for an evening of learning and listening from the heart, and sharing sacred space together. Open to all ages, all faiths, all female-identified, and all races ~ we come to study and practice the intuitive arts. Our books this season are You Were Born For This by Chani Nicholas & The Tarot Handbook by Angeles Arrien. The 3-month session has 12 meetings and will be recorded if you have to miss anytime. Facilitated by yours truly, Erika Faith. Investment: $275

Starts THIS Thursday, April 6!

Spring Wishlist:

I invite you to make a list of the 9 things you can commit to that can increase your peace and provide the world around you more kindness. This is mine:

1. Attend a weekly women's group.

2. Be that graceful touchstone of light in the world.

3. Prioritize my spiritual well-being with meditation and nature walks.

4. Engage in true self-care by honoring my body in my thoughts.

5. Tend my edible garden.

6. Have a daily Yoga practice -even if it is only 30 min a day!

7. Read a book, listen to music, and/or watch movies that inspire me, rather than depress me.

8. Write in my journal when I need to vent or complain. Clear that intensity before giving it to someone else.

9. Take my herbs and follow a clean diet.

Be Mighty. Love Yourself from the Inside Out.

Zion Women's Empowerment Retreat

October 15 - 22, 2023

$1495 shared room / $2295 private room

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